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In the author's opinion, visual and spatial abilities are good for ______.

2021-12-31 18:40
A、A) achieving one's objects
B、B) mind and body
C、C) programming talents into the brain
D、D) imagination and communication


D[试题分析] 细节判断题。[详细解答] 根据第二段第三句Visual and spatial abilities are good for imagining and manipulating objects and for communicafing information about them.的内容,不难看出本题答案为D。

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In the author’s opinion, ________.
In the author's opinion,______.
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When receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities ashore and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will()soonest.
When receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities ashore and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will()in a coordinated search and rescue operation with the minimum delay.
When receiving a distress alert, the SAR authorities ashore and the ships in the vicinity of the ship in distress will()in a coordinated search and rescue operation with the minimum delay.
