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It was in Xiamen 的答案


I was the        of the Students’ Union.


— It arrives by mail, I suppose.

— Would you have cosmetic surgery if it was free?

  —                      .

— It’s nice to meet you in my office.



— It's dark brown.


— My name is Helen, and I was born in 1980. My major was electrical engineering.

There was         in the meeting room as the general manager predicted the company’s sales target.

— Did the medicine make you feel better?  

— No. The more        ,        I feel.


— It's my pleasure.

The work was done        her instructions.


— It costs us ten thousand dollars.


— It takes about 3 hours .

The total cost in logistics in China is still higher than         in many other industrialized countries.

— What is it in particular you're interested in?

—                      .

Have you filled in the application form           your passport yet?

The job is great in terms of salary. It has its disadvantages,           .

It was not        she took off her glasses that I realized she was a famous star.

It was in Xiamen        I saw the sea for the first time.

西汉时期新疆地区的汉人主要来自            等。

唐代涌现了            等众多的边塞诗人。

