首页/ 题库 / [单选题]The author indicates的答案
The author is most concerned with the possibility that after a few decades__________.
A drift lead indicates that the vessel is dragging anchor when the line is().
The author indicates that()is threatening American political power.
The dean of the Philosophy Department requested that the visiting scholar ______ a lecture on the philosopher Sartre
The author suggests that a man becomes a philosopher when he ______.
A vessel sounding a fog signal of one short,one prolonged,and one short blast is indicating that the vessel is().
When a diesel engine compression pressure is checked, the indicator is connected to the ()
The author indicates that a philosopher is a person who ______.
An instrument that indicates wind direction is known as a(n)().
I hereby()that my vessel is fitted with a rudder angle indicator and an engine revolution indicator on the bridge in such a position that the pilot may read both without having to move away from his station; and that the rudder angle indicator and engine revolution indicator are in good working condition.
A hot air start pipe indicates that there is ().
According to the author, which statement concerning philosophers is most nearly accurate?
The term that indicates how many tons of cargo a vessel can carry is().
The irregular black line around a charted light such as Race Rock Light indicates that it is ().
A notice of readiness is not valid unless it indicates that the vessel is ready to load or discharge as the case may be,at the time()it is given.
An icebreaker displaying a flag hoist which consists of the code letters “WO” (Whiskey Oscar) is indicating that().
The ignition quality of a diesel fuel is indicated by the ()
A list signal of one white light indicates that the vessel is ().
The author is a ______
The author is a _____.
