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According to one belief, if truth is to be known it will make itself ap parent, so one ______ wait instead of searching for it.

2022-01-03 19:58
A、A would rather
B、B had to
C、C cannot but
D、D had best


选[D]。本题重点考查考生对句意的理解以及对所给四个短语的掌握情况。从句意来看so前的句子为本题提供了重要的线索,这半句的意思是:根据一种信仰,如果要知道真理,真理会使自己一目了然。由这句可以推理出,了解真理的方法是待而不寻求。所给四个选项表达的意思分别:[A]宁愿;[B]不得不,必需;[C]只能;[D]最好。显然只有[D]项是正确答案。had best的意思是"最好",相当于had better,后面用动词原形。

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