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A maritime lien may be placed against().

2022-01-03 19:59
A、any assets that a ship's owner may have
B、a vessel,cargo,or freight
C、objects that are fixed and immovable,such as wharves
D、the vessel only



标签: 海事案例
A tankerman who permits or causes oil to go into a navigable waterway may be punished federally by().
Dunnage may be used to protect a cargo from loss or damage by().
Although the Shipowner may be responsible for the loss or damage to the goods,his liability may be limited()the terms of the contract or the statute.
() are individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be affected as a result of project execution or project completion; they may also exert influence over the project and its results.
() are individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be affected as a result of project execution or project completion.
()are liable to be stoten, pilfered or may damaged due to improper handing or stowage.
(75)are individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project,or whose interests may be affected as a result of project execution or project completion.
are individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project,or whose interests may be affected as a result of project execution or project completion.
( )are individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be affected as a result of project execution or project completion; they may also exert influence over the project and its results.
are individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be affected as a result of project execution or project completion; they may also exert influence over the project and its results.
While troubleshooting a network connectivity issue, you suspect that a router may be missing a route, or may be receiving bad routing information to a destination. What command should you issue to view the route that the router will use to reach a given destination?()
In charter-party,a clause states: the vessel to be employed between good and safe ports or places where she can().
(1).  A self-service shop may be a place where you( ).(本题2.0分)
Failure to comply with the above may()actoin being taken against the vessel.
A snag or other underwater obstruction may form a().
Car owners may probably be against it at first, but people who use public transportation will be in favor of it 回答
28, Which may be the most possible place for people to work in tomorrow?
It should be()that any maritime liens attaching to the ship at the time of her arrest have priority over the claim for which she was arrested.
The maritime labour certificate shall be issued to()by the competent authority,or by a recognized organization duly authorized for this purpose.
Liens may be created by the contract()they do not exist at common law.
Although the Shipowner may be responsible for the loss or damage to the goods,his liability may be limited by the terms of().
The nominal range of a light may be accurately defined as the maximum distance at which a light may be seen().
Humble ____ it may be, there’s no place like home, where he may go.
A maritime lien may be placed against().
Dunnage may be used to protect a cargo from loss or damage by().
If the place named for the loading is simply a port or dock,notice of readiness may be given as soon as the ship arrives()although she is not in the particular spot where the loading is to take place.
Damage caused by lighting,a storm,or a sudden gust of wind may be within the exception of ().
Sluggish response or action of the hydraulic actuators may be a result of ().
The()enables water to be blow down or emptied from the boilerIt may be used when partially or completely emptying the boiler.
The Shipowner may do what is reasonable()any of these liens in view of the fact that they are possessory liens,i.e. they can only be enforced by retaining actual or constructive possession of the cargo.
Maritime Administration personnel may be allowed in the pilothouse upon the responsibility of the().
EXCEPT when suffering from a head or chest injury a patient in shock should be placed in which position?().
