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The main propulsion diesel continues running after you try to shut down. You should now attempt to .

2022-01-03 21:14
A、stop the fuel oil booster pump
B、engage the jacking gear
C、secure the lube oil pump
D、shut off the fuel at the settling tank



Immediately after any diesel engine is started, the engineer should check the ()
What is an advantage of diesel over steam turbine propulsion? ()
What is an advantage of a steam turbine over a diesel for the main propulsion?()
Immediately after starting a diesel engine, normal raw water and jacket water pressure are indicatedHowever, the jacket water temperature continues to rise, if there is no change in the sea temperature, you should suspect()
The function of the after-cooler installed between the turbocharger and intake manifold on some diesel engine, is to ()
To prevent the build up of high stresses engine must not be run continuously ().
The main propulsion diesel continues running after you try to shut down. You should now attempt to .
The highest loads applied to the diesel engine crankshaft main bearings are ()
In the starting process of a diesel engine, the main object is to attain the compression conditions sufficient to ()
During the diesel engine running, the water level of FW expansion tank should normally kept in the () level of glass tube.
Control of the main propulsion diesel engines can be shifted from the engine room to the wheelhouse from the ().
Crankcase explosions in propulsion diesel engines result from ____.
If the essay were to continue after sentence 15, which of the following would be the best content for sentence 16?
Cast iron pistons used in large propulsion diesel engines are constructed with ()
The pressure in an operating diesel engine cylinder continues to rise for a short period after the piston passes top dead center as a result of the ()
The ()should be kept running for about half an hour after FWE.
Main diesel engine control can be obtained by the bridge ()
Main diesel engine control can be obtained by the bridge ()
Stating a large propulsion diesel engine using diesel fuel during cold weather conditions can be made easier by ()
Starting a large low-speed propulsion diesel engine on diesel fuel during cold weather conditions, will be made easier by ()
