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(单选题)A housewife is the woman head of a family, who ________ the work of the house.(2)

2021-07-17 20:16



Utterance is based on ();it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication,or simply in a context.
In a racetrack turn,to recover a man overboard,the vessel is steadied for the SECOND time after a turn of how many degrees from the original heading?()
At the instant when a string of casing being run from a ship is landed in the well head,().
The citizenship of a crew member of a vessel is determined solely by the ().
()the Charterer is also the shipper,the bill of lading is usually only a receipt for the goods and a document of title.
Practice 7  A major source of anxiety about the future of the family is rooted not so much in reality as in the tension between the idealized expectation in the culture and the reality itself. Nostalgia for a lost family tradition, which, in fact, never existed, has prejudiced our understanding of the conditions of families in contemporary society. Thus, the current anxiety over the fate of the family reflects not only problems in the family but also a variety of fears about other social problems that are eventually projected onto the family.  The real problem facing American families today are not symptoms of breakdown as is often suggested; rather, they reflect the difficulties of adaptation to recent social changes, particularly to the loss of diversity in household membership, to the reduction of the variety of family functions and, to some extent, to the weakening of the family adaptability. The idealization of the family as a refuge from the world and the myth that the work of mothers is harmful has added considerable strain. The continuous emphasis on the family as a universal private retreat and as an emotional haven is misguided in light of historical experience.
The head of the bend is the().
The housewife chose cushions of a color which would_____ her window frame after having moved in the new flat.
The life cycle of a project is a description of the various phases of the project from the beginning to the end. One of the followings is not a phase of the traditional project life cycleIt is().
Knowing the compass heading that is 90°to the side of a ship will enable the operator of a survival craft to initially steer().
The piston cooling system may employ similar components, except that () is used instead of a head tank.
A()is the intersection of the surface of a sphere and a plane passing through the center of the sphere.
(单选题)A housewife is the woman head of a family, who ________ the work of the house.(2)
A centrifugal pump produces flow with a resulting discharge head by energy conversionIt is typical for the energy conversion to follow the order of ().
The path that a vessel is expected to follow,represented on a chart by a line drawn from the point of departure to the point of arrival,is the().
A () is a receipt for the goods shipped and a document of title to the goods, the possession of a() is equivalent in law to possession of the goods.
单选题) Which of the following is not true?( )
[单选题,1.3分] If you see a doctor leaving a house, you may ___ that someone in the house is ill
53[单选题,1.3分] The local government decided to ______ money for the building of a new post office.
42[单选题,1.3分] The government is trying to ______ the people into thinking that a war is necessary.
31[单选题,1.3分] In the middle of these otherwise _____ plains is a striking range of mountains.
18[单选题,1.3分] The young woman ________ at the head of the procession was a gold medal winner at the recent Olympic Games.
The pressure head of a pump is given in the unit of ().
The pressure head of a water pump is given in the unit of ().
The heading of a vessel is indicated by what part of the compass? ()
Flanking rudders effect a vessel’s heading because of the().
Flanking rudders effect a vessel’s heading because of the().
One end of a diesel engine cylinder is sealed by the cylinder head and the other end by the ()
Which of the following is a characteristic of a sequence?()
Which of the following is a characteristic of a schema?()
Which of the following conditions could contribute to the cracking of a diesel engine cylinder head?
Which of the following is a feature of a unit of work?()
