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They were success的答案


The BBC has just successfully demonstrated a ________ radio transmission system. 

Bankers were __________ of  a world banking crisis.

They built a robot capable of ___________ spoken commands. 

— Your plan is perfect and I believe that it will be a great success .

— ________________

Success can breed success, if you ______ it.

They were successful ______ a communication satellite.

— I wish you success in your career.


The key_________ successful implementation is clearly communicating the strategy to the whole company.

—It's about a successful businessman's management experience, isn't it?
— ____________

The key ______ successful implementation is clearly communicating the strategy to the whole company.

The policeman struck __________ a conversation with John while they were waiting for the bus
They were very tired, but ______ of them would stop to take a rest. ( )
They said that food supplies were almost ____________.
We were all overjoyed at the news _____ the experiment turned out to be a success.
They were bored looking for _____.( )
They were both ________as a Christian.
A successful cover letter will make a great _________.
4They were __________ leave their country
7 Although these people knew that their boss was in a difficult situation, they were still ________ him
The sentence “They were wanted to remain quiet and not to expose themselves” is NOT a __________ sentence
