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The key ______ su的答案


The BBC has just successfully demonstrated a ________ radio transmission system. 

The higher the temperature is, __________ the liquid evaporates.

— Your plan is perfect and I believe that it will be a great success .

— ________________

Success can breed success, if you ______ it.

The success of our event is____ to the sponsor.

— I believe this is the best movie of the year.

— Well, _________Anyway, the ending is OK.

The new year is just _________.

— I wish you success in your career.


The key_________ successful implementation is clearly communicating the strategy to the whole company.

The key ______ successful implementation is clearly communicating the strategy to the whole company.

The topic of the passage is __________.

The message of the article is that ________________.

---- ______________________________

---- Yeah. It is the only professional museum about the railway system in China.

— What is the distance between the new building and your office?
— _________________.

It is necessary __________ the book immediately.

(1).  When speaking on the phone, the essential factor for successful communication is your _______.(本题2.0分)
John has passed the exam. He is ________ of his success. ( )
The key word in Paragraph 4 is ______.
a study was conducted on the key to success, ____were out of our expectation.( )
The key word in paragraph 4 is ______.
