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The success of ou的答案


The company is trying every _____ to improve the quality of products. 

This is an opportunity to _______ the reputation of the company. 

— How do you think of the theme of our event?

— ________________

The success of our event is____ to the sponsor.

The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives, and requires us to learn ___________ every day just to stay current in the workplace. 

It is believed lifelong learning is a crucial response to the challenge of the global ________ economy. 

— Is it more advisable to upgrade our present facilities than taking the risk of opening a new park?

— ____________

The key_________ successful implementation is clearly communicating the strategy to the whole company.

The key ______ successful implementation is clearly communicating the strategy to the whole company.

(单项选择)One of the dangers of commercialism is that the government would dance ____________ the tune of their big sponsors.
The government will have to work hard to __________ the confidence of the people after the terrible event.

The main purpose of the laptop program is to give each student a laptop to ________.

The government will have to work hard to __________ the confidence of the people after the terrible event.
This is a river closely ___________ to the lives of the people of the city.
a study was conducted on the key to success, ____were out of our expectation.( )
)In these days, much of the __1___of a business--- sometimes the whole of its success---depend __2__ the use of the odds and ends. The odds and ends are various __3___ things. They are left over when the main thing is produced. Yet they have a real value __4___ their own. All kinds of big businesses have their odds and ends. In a big meal factory , __5___ example , there are countless odds and ends---bones and hair , to __6___ only a few. The bones are made into glue; the hair is made into rope. If these odds and ends were to be __7___ down upon , it would mean a big __8___ in the amount of the profit of the factory. We students have our own odds and ends. Take time __9___ instance. Every one of us has the same amount of it. Our success or failure depends on the __10___ of our time. (1). ①( )
To achieve success in your career, the most important factor, according to the passage, is to ________
12We will do all we can to relieve (缓解) the symptoms of the patients: that is our______(5分)
The world of the ________ is to do with success, status, respect, money, desires of all kinds, and fears, that lead to unhappiness
In the ________ of the project not being a success, the manager stands to lose up to $30  million
