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Like personal computers, most workstations are(72)computers

2022-01-11 05:32
B、single user
D、multi user



●A computer virus is a computer program that is created to make and spread (72) of itself.
The personal computer or______is the smallest general-purpose computer.
●A computer virus is a computer program that is created to make and spread (72) of itself.
● The personal computer or (72) is the smallest general-purpose computer.
MPC(Multimedia Personal Computer)与PC(Personal Computer)的主要区别是增加了(19)。
In enterprises, the gateway is the computer that(71) the traffic from a workstation to the outside network that is serving the Web pages. In homes ,the gateway is the(72) that connects the user to the internet.
Like personal computers, most workstations are(72)computers
Most companies believe there are fewer computer problems if the move happens Monday to Friday.
Computer (72 )is used to temporarily store data.
You are configuring five computers for Windows NT Workstation 4.0 and Windows 2000 Professional.Each computer has an 8 GB hard disk.You configure the hard disk on each computer to have two 4 GB partitions. Windows NT Workstation is installed on drive C and Windows 2000 Professional on drive D.In Windows 2000 Professional, you configure a disk quota on drive D to prevent users from saving work files on the disk. You restart your computer and load Windows NT Workstation. You notice that users can save files to drive D.You want to prevent users from saving the files to drive D in either operating system. You also want to ensure that users can access both drives while using either operating system.What should you do?
You are configuring 5 computers to use both Windows NT workstation 4.0 and Windows 2000 Professional. Each computer has an 8GB hard disk. You configure that hard disk on each computer to have two 4GB partitions. Windows NT workstation is installed on drive C. Windows 2000 Professional is installed on drive D. In Windows 2000 Professional you configure a disk quota on drive D to prevent users from saving work files on the disk. You restart the computer and load Windows NT workstation.You notice that users can still save files to drive D.You want to prevent users from saving files to drive D in either operating system. You also want to ensure that users can access both drives using either operating system. What should you do on each computer?
While most recent attention in the AI field has been focused on expert system software, AI(66)has also seen dramatic advances. Activity in the past years was characterized by new low-cost, powerful Lisp machines, the introduction of AI workstations, Lisp compilers becoming available for all major professional and engineering workstations, and the personal computer emerging as a(67). tool for expert system development. The next few years will see this technology evolves further.Because the(68)of an AI computer represents a sizable investment, companies should carefully(69)all options that are available as well as have a good idea of what the next generation of systems will offer in order to(70)the optimum system. This publication provides the information necessary to gain this understanding.
Franco doesn’t like using computers for personal letters.
Xiaoyan doesn’t like using computers for personal letters.
When a person wants to operate this computer, ( ) the instructions first.
Since most people would’t like to buy an apartment far away from the city, there are a lot of apartments in this town.
Earth-like planets are extremely common in the Universe, ______ the latest computer simulation of the formation of the Solar System
Type A personalities are persons who ________(20分)20 分
Type B personalities are persons who ________(20分)20 分
()is a logistics center where most inbound goods are the whole truckload most outbound goods are small pieces.
Modern computers based on ( ) are millions to billions of times more capable than the early computers, which occupy a fraction of the space. Simple computers are small enough to fit into mobile devices, an mobile computers can be powered by small batteries. Personal computers in their various forms are icons of the Information Age and are what most people think of as ‘computers’.
()is a logistics center where most inbound goods are the whole truck and most outbound goods are pieces.
The most important program on any computer is (73) .
●The (72) tells the computer what to do.
The view that the minorities like Mr. Nardelli and his friends are seizing most of globalization's gains could be ______.
The display screen is the most common (72) device used to show you what the computer is doing.
There are a kind of persons who use computer to deal with data and produce some information,but they do not change the hardware system and the software system.Which kind of person are they
● Categories of risk response are (72).(72)
● The basic unit of measure in a computer system is the(72). It is the smallest unit in computing. There are some other measures in a computer, such as Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte and so on.(72)
The basic unit of measure in a computer system is the(72). It is the smallest unit in computing. There are some other measures in a computer, such as Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte and so on.
A(72)translates a computer program written in a human-readable computer language into a form. that a computer can exec ut
● The personal computer or (72) is the smallest general-purpose computer.(72)
