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According to the passage, it is now quite usual for women to______.

2022-01-11 06:59
A、stay at home after leaving school
B、marry men younger than themselves
C、start working again later in life
D、marry while still at school



Many more afterwards return to full- or part-time work.这句话指出许多人都会再继续工作。

:不管外界对大学英语四、六级考试有怎样的非议,每年的四、六级考试还是_________地进行着,不少高校的学位证书仍然与大学英语四、六级考试挂钩着,大学英语四、六级考试成绩依然神气着……当大学英语四、六级考试_________成只为一纸证书考试时,大学英语四、六级考试就已经变得_________了。 填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
不管外界对大学英语四、六级考试有怎样的非议,每年的四、六级考试还是________地进行着,不少高校的学位证书仍然与大学英语四、六级考试挂钩着,大学英语四、六级考试成绩依然神气着……当大学英语四、六级考试________成只为一纸证书考试时,大学英语四、六级考试就已经变得________了。填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
According to the text, success or failure of advertising is judged by ______
According to the passage, it makes one feel _____ to be unemployed.
Which of the following do not belong to the same type according to the manner or place of articulation?  
The guard, fencing or shielding for moving parts or machinery can be removed for repair only when the machinery it belongs to()
Brokers are those people, according to the passage, who buy or sell business shares for others.
Never()the lifeboat or lifecraft disengaging locks or hydrostatic release gears because it can cause them to fail to function.
Never()the lifeboat or lifecraft disengaging hocks or hydrostatic release gears because it can cause them to fail to function.
According to the passage, it may soon be possible__________
正常成人体内不易发生维生素K缺乏的原因之一是(  )。[江苏2011年11月三级真题]
It's important for us to select the best word or phrase according to the ________ in language studies. ( )
It\'s important for us to select the best word or phrase according to the ________ in language studies. ( )
According to the passage,what does the sentence “no matter where or how they are performed"(para.1) really mean?
_________ in a person’s speech or writing usually ranges on a continuum from casual or colloquial to formal or polite according to the type of communicative situation.
According to the passage, Brazil has cut back its population growth ________
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage according to our textbook
According to the passage, during the tests,()
According to the passage, it is true that ________.
According to the passage, the earth in its very early period was ______.
According to the passage,the major disadvantage of newspapers in its_______
According to the passage, it is recommended that the heat exchanger side be cleaned by .
The guard, fencing or shielding for moving parts or machinery can be removed for repair only when the machinery it belongs to()
According to the passage, the screen or cutters are fitted to __ (1)kill bacteria (2)break up the solid waste (3)remove solid matter with large size
According to the passage, it is now quite usual for women to______.
It’s()to stow optional cargo in the lower hold.You’d better give it block stowage in the tweendecks,then it can be easily discharged either at Shanghai,or Dalian or Tianjin.
