首页/ 题库 / [单选题]When problems occur,的答案
Once you get to know your mistakes, you should ________ them as soon as possible.

— Sure, no problem. First, go see Cindy and tell her where you're going and when.

—____________________identify the problems that have been occurring?
—Well, as you know, the problems we had with Gary caused a lot of friction among the team.

The news report tells us that when the crash occurred_________.
As days _________, a deep friendship began to develop between them. 
—Which one can I take?
—-You can take_____( )_____ of them; I'll keep none.
The Olympic winner received a gold medal as a (an) __________.
Things _______ us all, so we put them in and take them out as we like.
__________ banker is __________ man who lends you __________ umbrella when the weather is fair, and takes it away from you when it rains.
—Which one can I take?
—-You can take_____( )_____ of them; I\'ll keep none.
As days _________, a deep friendship began to develop between them. 
29. When people travel on business(出差) ,they usually take _________ .
— Excuse me, but there's a problem with the heating.
— ____________________________, we will solve it as soon as possible.
When your colleague brings about a problem, you should _______ .
The problem ________ when the students refused to do their homework.
Mary ______ on shoes when she ______ them
—Which one can I take —-You can take_____( )_____ of them; Ill keep none
The problem of identifying weak forms and unstressed syllables occurs in ______
(单选、25分)— Excuse me, but theres a problem with the heating— ____________________________, we will solve it as soon as possible
The teachers??____________ the office for a few minutes when we arrived. We didn’t meet them.
