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If the dispersion of a given fiber is 17ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and zero at 1310 nm, then what is the accumulated dispersion of an ITU wavelength after it travels 200 km?()

2022-06-30 02:32
A、0 ps/nm
B、340 ps/nm
C、200 ps/nm
D、3400 ps/nm
E、More information is needed.



标签: CCNP(642-311)
In information theory, "information" is regarded as knowledge which reduces or removes(71) about the occurrence of a specific event from a given set of possible events. The concept "event" is to be understood as used in the theory of probability. For instance, an event may be the occurrence of a(72) character or word in a given message or in a given position of a message.In communication theory, channel is defined as that part of a communication system that connects the message source with the message sink. An encoder may be inserted between the message source and the input to the channel, and a(73) between the output of the channel and the message sink. Generally, these two units are not considered as being parts of the channel. In certain cases, however, they may be considered as pans of the message source and message sink,(74) In information theory(75) to Shannon, the channel can be characterized by the set of conditional probabilities of occurrence of all the messages received at the message sink when a given message emanates from the message source.
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If the dispersion of a given fiber is 17ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and zero at 1310 nm, then what is the accumulated dispersion of an ITU wavelength after it travels 200 km?()
If the scavenge fire is of a more major nature, if there is a risk of the fire extending or if the scavenge trunk is adjacent to the crankcase with risk of a hot spot developing it sometimes becomes necessary to ()the engine.
The () is used to measure the volume of a liquid or gas through a pipeline within any given period of time.
The attitudes or emotion of a language user in choosing a word and the influence of these on the listener or reader’s interpretation of the word form ___ of a word.
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As the temperature for a given mass of air increases,the().
The pressure head of a pump is given in the unit of ().
The pressure head of a water pump is given in the unit of ().
The holding power of an anchor at a given scope of cable increases when the().
If the scavenge fire is of a more major nature, if there is a risk of the fire extending or if the scavenge trunk is adjacent to the crankcase with risk of a hot spot developing it sometimes becomes necessary to ()the engine.
If the scavenge fire is of a more major nature, if there is a risk of the fire extending or if the scavenge trunk is adjacent to the crankcase with risk of a hot spot developing it sometimes becomes necessary to_______the engine
According to the western culture, if one is given a compliment, he or she should say“______”.
If the state of the goods at the time they were handed over to the consignee has been the subjectof a joint survey or inspection by the parties,notice in writing()be given of loss or damage ascertained during such survey or inspection.
The master can refuse to()in the bill of lading the statements required by the Act if either he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the information given by the shipper is inaccurate,or he has no reasonable means of checking it.
If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ()any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen’s enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.
The use of sinking and dispersing agents for the removal of surface oil is ().
If you are given the job of adding hydraulic fluid to a mooring winch, and are not certain as to the type of fluid to use, you should ().
Proper dispersion of fuel in a diesel engine cylinder is dependent upon the ()
During the course of a voyage,a seaman falls on the main deck and injures his ankle. The Master should submit a Report of Marine Accident,Injury or Death if the().
If the place named for the loading is simply a port or dock,notice of readiness may be given as soon as the ship arrives()although she is not in the particular spot where the loading is to take place.
Under the provisions of applicable international conventions, ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party are subject, while in the port of a Party, to control by officers duly authorized by the Party Ships of non-parties or below convention size shall be given ().
