首页/ 题库 / [单选题]A tow bridle is atta的答案
A vessel towing astern in an operation which severely restricts the towing vessel and her tow in their ability to change course shall,when making way,exhibit().
A towing vessel and her tow are severely restricted in their ability to change course. When making way,the towing vessel will show ONLY().
On a long ocean tow,the bridle should be made up of two equal lengths of().
To clean a dirty fiber towing hawser used in ocean towing,you should().
A towing light,according to the Rules,is a().
You intend to tow a barge with one tug and expect continuous high winds from the north. To reduce the yaw of your tow,you should().
A towing vessel should be on the crest of a wave at the same time as its tow and in the trough at the same time. The term used to describe this is().
A chain bridle is used when towing astern because it().
A chain bridle is used when towing astern because it().
An ocean towing bridle should().
A bridle for an ocean tow consists of().
A tow that veers to the side on the end of the towline is said to().
The biggest problem encountered when towing bridle legs are too short is().
The knot used to join two lines or two large hawsers for towing is called a().
The biggest problem you generally encounter while towing a single tow astern is().
The MINIMUM acceptable size for a towing bridle would be that size in which the safe working load (SWL) of each leg of the bridle is equal to().
If a towing vessel and her tow are severely restricted in their ability to change course,they may show lights in addition to their towing identification lights. These additional lights may be shown if the tow is().
You have been towing astern and have just let go the tow.Your deckhands are pulling in and faking the towline by hand on the stern.The most dangerous action to take is to().
To reduce stress on the towing hawser when towing astern (ocean tow),the hawser should be ().
When towing in an open seaway,it is important to use a towing line().
