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We are sorry to let you know that neither of the relative _______has reached us yet.

If there are changes, don't forget _____ the related persons know. 

Are you familiar ______the saying, “it’s not what you know, but who you know”? In event planning, networking is key!

You are the right person for the job that_______ your application ________the advertisement.

I don't know who on __________ stole the diamond last night.
It appears that the writer tends to think highly of the person who sleeps on one side because ________________.
I don\'t know who on __________ stole the diamond last night.
Charles does not like customers who ______.
The House of Commons consists of ____ members who are elected from the ____ electoral districts.
These students ________ the cause of helping those who are not able to help themselves.( )
____is not a character created by Charles Dickens.
The person who is often described as “father of modern linguistics” is __________..
Galsworthy was a ______ writer, who inherited the fine tradition of the great Victorian novelists of the critical realism such as Dickens and Thackeray.
The most distinguishing feature of Charles Dickens’ works is ________.
In Charles Dickens’ work ________, the Utilitarian principle rules over the English education system and destroys young hearts and minds.
In Charles Dickens’early novels, he attacks one or more specific social evils, _____is a good example of describing the dehumanizing workhouse system and the dark, criminal underworld life.
5 Mother who takes care of everybody is usually the most ___considerate___ person in each family.
Only those who are weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each choice _______ to know which one is best for them
They are to leave the house with only their personal possessions, for they have got a letter ordering the immediate __________ of their occupancy (居住)
The new president said she would _________ herself to protecting the rights of the old and the homeless, who are otherwise helpless and vulnerable
