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The impact of the Greenhouse Effect has long been ________ and special attention is called upon to examine this issue.( )

2021-07-17 23:06
A、 overcome
C、 overcharged



One of the reasons why the long-term trend of prices has been downwards is that ______.
One of the reasons why the long-term trend of prices has been downwards is that______.
What is the percentage of the increase in the new orders that has been agreed uponWhat is the percentage of the increase in the new orders that has been agreed upon
What is the percentage of the increase in the new orders that has been agreed uponWhich shoes has the woman bought
A large sum of money has been raised for the()of the poorly educated children in the mountainous districts.
Spreading oil on the open sea has the effect of().
The six points of the People.s Charter were achieved gradually over the period of()although the sixth has never been practical.
Which factor has the greatest effect on the amount of gain required to obtain a fathometer reading?()
Not so long ago, people talked about global warming in apocalyptic terms—imagining the Statue of Liberty up to its chin in water or an onslaught of tropical diseases in Oslo. Recently, however, advances in our understanding of climate have moved global warming from a subject for a summer disaster movie to a serious but manageable scientific and policy issue. The greenhouse effect is nothing new; it has been operating ever since the earth formed. Without it, the surface of the globe would be a frigid –20 ℃ (–4 °F), the oceans would have frozen, and no life would have developed.
()has been called the “cradle of American Liberty”.
When an azimuth of the Sun has been taken and the deviation of the standard magnetic compass computed,the watch officer should record the results().
When an azimuth of the Sun has been taken and the deviation of the standard magnetic compass computed,the watch officer should record the results().
The legislative provision has a great impact on the operations of the department.
The impact of the Greenhouse Effect has long been ________ and special attention is called upon to examine this issue.( )
The impact of the Greenhouse Effect has long been ________ and special attention is called upon to examine this issue.( )
The date of the meeting has been ______ from the 5th to 8th of June.
_____has been called the summit of the English Renaissance.
Henry Fielding has been regarded by some as “()”, for his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel.
Richards (1994, 1998) believes that the quality of ___ between the teacher and the learner and between the learners has a great deal of impact on the effects of learning.
With the worldwide oil crisis, the price of oil has been raised () 15%. 选项
Which of the following has been decreased during the inflation?
As to the greenhouse effect, the author________
()has been called the “cradle of American Liberty”.
The patient has been ________ of the safety of the operation.
The bill of lading is prima facie evidence()the quantity of goods alleged to have been shipped has been shipped in fact.
Reducing free surfaces has the effect of lowering the().
Mr. Sanders has been asked to()the next meeting of the committee.
In the past few decades,the influence of political parties has been declining()
Increasing free surfaces has the effect of raising the().
The construction of the new bridge has been()for two weeks because of the bad weather.
Increasing the number of slack liquid tanks has effect of raising the().
Increasing the number of slack liquid tanks has the effect of raising the().
