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The professor asked a question, and David_a good answer.

2021-07-23 04:46
A、put up with B. stood up for
B、C.came up with D.looked down upon


stand up for v.支持 put up with v.忍受, 容忍 come up with v.赶上, 提出 look down upon蔑视, 瞧不起

A () is a receipt for the goods shipped and a document of title to the goods, the possession of a() is equivalent in law to possession of the goods.
The professor asked a question,and David______a good answer.
The professor asked a question, and David_a good answer.
In writing,students may not know how to put something into proper English and thus ask their teacher for help.Here the teacher is to play the role of a/an__.
English teachers often ask students to__a passage to get the gist of it.
It is a/an ______ to a genius to ask him such a simple question.
When teaching grammar, “You are a stranger in this town …” and “A policeman was asking some questions…” are two examples of using ___.
In reply ____ the question of whether she thought she had a gift ____ languages, Jane said that she had good ears and also a talent of imitation.
Please ____ a list of questions to ask the scientist for an interview.( )
The professor asked a question, and David()a good answer. 选项
A: May I ask a question after class, Madam? B: Sure.
The speaker()for a moment, and then began to answer the question
1It is a/an ______ to a genius to ask him such a simple question(5分)
30Professor Ernest Watson was answering questions on __________ on the subject of learning a foreign language (Learning a Foreign Language)
2When I ask you a question, I expect a ____ answer
16When I ask you a question, I expect a ____ answer
If a teacher asks students to concentrate on such features as structure/coherence and cohesion of a text,he/she aims at delevoping students’ __ .
The correct meaning of a lexical item in a given context is__.
May I ask you a question?()
6. When I___________ a little girl,l often ______ questions.
