首页/ 题库 / [单选题]______ his talk when的答案

Mary's talking to the lawyer about her competitor who ________ on her trademark.

When Anna _____ the room, a group of young men were talking eagerly round the table.

Their experiment __________, Tom and Mary set out to write the report on the results.
The boy ran out of the classroom without the teacher's _______.
When people admire his ________ achievements, they seldom think of the frustration he has experienced.
He's usually very ______ at keeping his private life out of the media)
____ his coat from the hook, he rushed out of the door.
The boy ran out of the classroom without the teacher\'s _______.
He\'s usually very ______ at keeping his private life out of the media)
Professor Wang,__________ for his informative lectures,was warmly received by his students.
Mary ______her keys in her office and she had to ______out of the house.
______ his talk when Mary ran out of the lecture hall.
The lecture _______ already _______when we got to the school hall.
When he bent down to tie his shoelace, the belt of his trousers _____.
______ had he got off the train ______ his daughter ran towards him.( )
When the boy was only four,his father decided to ________ a musician of him.
When he looked into the audience,he caught ________ of his mother nodding to him.
-Can I take the book out of the library? - __________
– Hello, may I talk to Jerry? – Sorry, he is out of the office right now. _________________ – Yes, thank you.
Mary.s talking to the lawyer about her competitor who ________ on her trademark.
