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The toy maker produces a ______ copy of the spaced station, exact in every detail.

2021-07-17 18:31



All the rooms of the house opened on to a _________ (The Unfortunate Story of the Lost Money)
Please write your name in the ______ space at the top of the page
The main idea of the passage is that____________ A
The writer thinks the failure of a building ______.
根据以下材料回答 1~20 题:By 1830 the former Spanish and Portuguese colonies had become independent nations. The roughly 20 million___(1)___of these nations looked ___(2)___to the future. Born in the crisis of the old regime and Iberian Colonialism, many of the leaders of independence ___(3)___ the ideas of representative government, careers___(4)___to talent, freedom of commerce and trade, the___(5)___ to private property, and a belief in the individual as the basis of society, ___(6)___there was a belief that the new nations should be sovereign and independent states, large enough to be economically viable and integrated by a___(7)___set of laws.On the issue of___(8)___ of religion and the position of the church,___(9)___, there was less agreement___(10)___the leadership. Roman Catholicism had been the state religion and the only one ___(11)___by the Spanish crown,___(12)___most leaders sought to maintain Catholicism___(13)___the official religion of the new states, some sought to end the ___(14)___of other faiths. The defense of the Church became a rallying___(15)___ for the conservative forces.The ideals of the early leaders of independence were often egalitarian, valuing equality of everything. Bolivar had received aid from Haiti and had ___(16)___in return to abolish slavery in the areas he liberated. By 1854 slavery had been abolished everywhere except Spain's ___(17)___colonies. Early promises to end Indian tribute and taxes on people of mixed origin came much ___(18)___ because the new nations still needed the revenue such policies ___(19)___ Egalitarian sentiments were often tempered by fears that the mass of the population was___(20)___ self-rule and democracy.第 1 题 请选择(1)处最佳答案( )。
The traditional Navaho does not allow copying of sand paintings because ______.
A mere touch at the wall of the cabin can _____ the astronauts flying about in the space ship.
The key to the industrialization of space is the US space shuttle with it, astronauts will acquire a workhouse vehicle _____ of flying into space and returning many times.
The city of _____ is nicknamed “Space City of USA”.
The material used to produce a sand painting is ______.
A ______ copies a photograph, drawing or page of text into the computer.
The________of yourself that you see in the mirror is produced by the reflectionof light.
For years now, the people of industrialism, education has been ____________ towards producing workers.
With the price of oil _______, the economy of oil-producing countries is expanding at a high rate.
The toy maker produces a ______ copy of the spaced station, exact in every detail.
(单选题)A housewife is the woman head of a family, who ________ the work of the house.(2)
Not a single word ____________ at the closing ceremony of the conference.
A really powerful speaker can ____________ the feelings of the audience to the fever of excitement. ( )
The two of them are locked in a titanic ____________ control of the company.
A heavy concentration of the drug may produce dizziness or even ____.
18. The writer thinks the failure of a building _______.
This is a river closely ___________ to the lives of the people of the city.
Regarded as a kind of art form, toys ________.
2.One aspect of “the universality of toys”lies in the fact that ________.
African arts have won the ____________ of a lot of people all over the world.
Clouds ______ much of the sun’s heat back into space, making the earth cooler.
)In these days, much of the __1___of a business--- sometimes the whole of its success---depend __2__ the use of the odds and ends. The odds and ends are various __3___ things. They are left over when the main thing is produced. Yet they have a real value __4___ their own. All kinds of big businesses have their odds and ends. In a big meal factory , __5___ example , there are countless odds and ends---bones and hair , to __6___ only a few. The bones are made into glue; the hair is made into rope. If these odds and ends were to be __7___ down upon , it would mean a big __8___ in the amount of the profit of the factory. We students have our own odds and ends. Take time __9___ instance. Every one of us has the same amount of it. Our success or failure depends on the __10___ of our time. (1). ①( )
The English translation of the Bible emerged as a result of the struggle between ____ and ___
_________ from space, the earth looks like a blue ball
When humans first traveled into outer space, it was as revolutionary a ________in human culture as the invention of the wheel
All of the following acts are producing for the market EXCEPT ______( )
Generally speaking, the __________ specifies whether a certain tagmeme is NOT in the position of the Nucleus or of the Margin in the structure
