首页/ 题库 / [单选题]Why not trust and us的答案

Why not trust and use David? He is still as strong as_____ in the team.

2021-09-01 20:14
A、somebody else
B、everybody else
C、anybody else
D、nobody else



在CBMdisc中,优先级运算的逻辑运算是:()>AND>AND NOT>OR。
逻辑表达式 1>0 and Not 2<7 or 2>6的值为
Fixed CO2 systems would not be used on crew’s quarters or().
一I’ve got a little _____ in my house. 一Why not keep two or more?
逻辑表达式 1>0 and Not 2<7 or 2>6的值为
Why not trust and use David? He is still as strong as_____ in the team.
布尔逻辑算符AND/OR/NOT的优先顺序是( )
Goods of an inflammable,explosive or dangerous nature to the shipment whereof the carrier,master or agent of the carrier,has not consented,with knowledge of their nature and character,may at any time before discharge,()at any place or destroyed or rendered innocuous by the carrier without compensation.
Does it always matter if the “real world” is not being practiced in the classroom? Why or why not?
Lines or gear NOT in use should be().
表达式1+32> Or 6 Mod 4<3 And Not l的运算结果是(  )。
表达式1.5+32>2 Or 7 Mod 3<4 And Not1的运算结果足( )。
表达式1.5+32>2 Or 7 Mod 3<4 And Not 1的运算结果是( )。
表达式1+32>1 Or 6 Mod 4<3 And Not 1的运算结果是( )。
表达式1.5+32>2 Or7 Mod 3<4 And Not 1的运算结果是( )。
阅读下列程序  LOGICAL L1,L2,L3,L4,L5  DATA L1,L2,L3/3*.TRUE./  L4=.NOT.L1.AND..NOT.L2.AND.L3  L5=.NOT.L1.OR..NOT.L2.OR.L3  WRITE(*,*)L4,L5  END  程序运行结果是()
When latitude and longitude are used,these shall be expressed in()(and decimals of a minute if necessary),north or south of the Equator and east or west of Greenwich.
