首页/ 题库 / [单选题]It is (1)_________by的答案
Which is ________, the Yangtze River or the Yellow River?
"Which is ________, the Yangtze River or the Yellow River?"
You should _______________ to one or more weekly magazines such as Time or Newsweek.
_____ed ucation is the instruction that occurs when the instructor and studen t s are separated by distance or time,or both.
(单选题)The computer turns it __________ green, yellow, or red lights.(2)
By no means ______ destroy or create energy.
Morning or afternoon. It makes no _______ to me.
If your request is prompted by an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine,for example,give the________and________of the publication.
If your request is prompted by an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine,for example,give the________and________of the publication.
Scientists say it may be five or ten years __________ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.
That probably explains why public opinion is broadly __________ euthanasia (安乐死), or at least certain forms of it.
16[单选题,1.3分] If the market is left ____________, there will sometimes be shortages or over-production.
__________ is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance.
It.s __________ to point to or talk about strangers in public.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate coordinator or subordinator: It was raining again, __________is very bad for our crops
When a dog is barking, you assume it is barking for something or at someone that exists hear and now It couldn’t be sorrowful for some lost love or lost bone This indicates the design feature of __________
The question ________ he should confess it or not troubled him greatly ( )
We can’t judge a person by his or her _______
If the product does absorb moisture or ________ water, discard it
1_____there is no rain,farming is difficult or impossible
