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It is the effects of motor car _ has been respnsible for many changes in the enviroment.

2021-09-02 12:50



It is likely that the authors of Passages 1 and 2 would agree that ______.
Now, the most effective form of advertising is _____.
______ is the address of a variable or a variable in which the address of another variable is stored.
______is the address of.a variable or a variable in which the address of another variable is stored.
 ______ twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.
Which parts of the United States will become wetter or drier is the question that scientists currently unable to determine about the global warming effects on the U.S.____
For the author, a primary effect of any diary is that it ______.
The science of architecture, followed out in its full            1.______extent, is one of the noblest of that which have reference          2.______only to the creations of human mind. It is not merely ascience of the rule and compass, it does not consist onlyin the observation of just rule, or of fair proportion:it was,        3.______or ought to be, a science of feeling more than of rule, aministry to the mind, than to the eye. If we consider how          4.______much less the beauty and majesty of a building depend on           5.______its pleasing certain prejudices of the eye, than upon itsrousing certain trains of meditation in the mind, it willshow in a moment how much intricate questions of feeling           6.______are involved in the raising of an edifice;it will convinceus of the truth of a proposition, which might at last have          7.______appeared startling, that no man can be an architect, whois not a metaphysician.  With the illustration of the department of this noble          8.______science which may be designated the Poetry of Architecture,this and some future articles will be dedicated. It is this peculiarity ofthe art that constitutes its nationality:and it will be found asinteresting as it is useful, to trace in the distinctive characters of thearchitecture of nations, not only its adaptation in the situation      9.______and climate in which it has arisen, but its strong similarity to,and connection to, the prevailing turn of mind by which the nation who   10.______first employed it is distinguished.
The science of architecture, followed out in its full           (1)____extent, is one of the noblest of that which have reference          (2)____only to the creations of human mind. It is not merely ascience of the rule and compass, it does not consist onlyin the observation of just rule, or of fair proportion:it was,       (3)____or ought to be, a science of feeling more than of rule, aministry to the mind, than to the eye. If we consider how          (4)____much less the beauty and majesty of a building depend            (5)____its pleasing certain prejudices of the eye, than upon itsrousing certain trains of meditation in the mind, it willshow in a moment how much intricate questions of feeling           (6)____are involved in the raising of an edifice;it will convinceus of the truth of a proposition, which might at last have          (7)____appeared startling, that no man can be an architect, whois not a metaphysician.   With the illustration of the department of this noble          (8)____science which may be designated the Poetry of Architecture, this and some future articles will be dedicated. It is this peculiarity ofthe art that constitutes its nationality:and it will be found asinteresting as it is useful, to trace in the distinctive characters of thearchitecture of nations, not only its adaptation to the situation      (9) ____and climate in which it has arisen, but its strong similarity to, and connection to, the prevailing turn of mind by which the nation who    (10)____first employed it is distinguished.
The number of the cars in our neighborhood is about eight ______, and ______ of them are new cars.
Motor transport has the biggest market share in the paragraph. Is it true or not ()
The volume of a cube is V. If the sides of the cube are cut it half, the volume of the resulting solid is ______.
The woman was worried about the side effects of taking aspirins, but her doctor ______ her that it is absolutely harmless.
"The woman was worried about the side effects of taking aspirins, but her doctor ______ her that it is absolutely harmless."
The car is _____ expensive _____ he can’t buy it. ( )
—What do you think of the _______car?—I think it is much better than his one.
 The car is _____ expensive _____ he can’t buy it. ( )
Old as the car is, ___ it works quite well.
The motor isn’t _______ enough to drive the car up steep hills.
__________ is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance.
It is the effects of motor car _ has been respnsible for many changes in the enviroment.
Of the two cars that the Smiths have, the Plymouth is, without any question, ______
When a dog is barking, you assume it is barking for something or at someone that exists hear and now It couldn’t be sorrowful for some lost love or lost bone This indicates the design feature of __________
One of the benefits of the new model is that it is easier_____than the old one
This new model of car is so expensive that it is ______ the reach of those with average income
If the scavenge fire is of a more major nature, if there is a risk of the fire extending or if the scavenge trunk is adjacent to the crankcase with risk of a hot spot developing it sometimes becomes necessary to_______the engine
The bill of lading cannot vary or add to the terms of the charter-party unless it()an express provision to that effect.
He pointed at the new car and asked, "___ is it? Have you ever seen it before?"
It ______ have been Tom that parked the car here, as he is the only one with a car.
It was no _______ that his car was seen near the bank at the time of the robbery.
The star-delta starter is an effective method of () voltage starting of a motor.
