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— Do you have any的答案


—How do you feel about your family life?

   —                      .

Do you think you could cut it       30%?

 —Do you have much experience with caring for babies?


If you have any ______ news of my husband, please let me know. 

— Would you have cosmetic surgery if it was free?

  —                      .

— Do you have any suggestions about it?


— Do you like my new jacket? 

— ______. It goes beautifully with your hat. 

— I was really anxious about you. You shouldn’t have left without a word.

— ________

— I'm dog tired. I can't walk any further, Tommy.

— ______, Jenny. You can do it.

— Do you have any plans for tomorrow morning?


— It's rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window?

— ________________

—What do you think about Japanese food?


— Do you like your present job? 

— ________________________,I just do it for a living. 

— Excuse me,                      

— Yes, it's 8633-2788. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.

please ______ your hand if you have any question at all.

--- A: I have an appointment with Mr. Xie at about 10 o’clock tomorrow morning, but would you please postpone it to sometime next week?


—  I want to look for a smart phone priced about 1000 Yuan. Do you have some to recommend?
—  _______

— Do you think Qingdao is a fantastic place for tourist?

— Yes, I have ___ there many times. It is quite beautiful. 

— ____ do you go to have piano lessons?

— At five in the afternoon.

—I'm sorry about the misunderstanding.

—You _____ apologize, it wasn't your fault.

