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The meeting sugge的答案


I was the        of the Students’ Union.

— Where shall we have the meeting?


— When will you meet the general manager of Nile Co., Mr. Smith?


— Do you have any suggestions about it?


— It’s nice to meet you in my office.


May I ask you why you left the former company


Any suggestions for the project?


We should keep in mind        the feedback is very helpful for planning future meetings and events.

The sports meeting was put off till the next week            rain.

The meeting suggested          the loan first.

There was         in the meeting room as the general manager predicted the company’s sales target.

— Did the medicine make you feel better?  

— No. The more        ,        I feel.

— Hello, I'm David Chen. Nice to meet you.


— Sally,                  , Mary Brown.

— Nice to meet you. I'm Sally Johnson, the Sales Manager.

Smile a lot and be         friendly as possible to everyone you meet.

— Hi, I'm Melinda Smith, the new secretary. Nice to meet you here.

— Hi, I'm Mike Brown from the Training Center.                 

We are all for your suggestion that the trip ________ . 

— May I suggest the sales start on or about October 1?

—                      .

— We’ll have the sales meeting at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon, won’t we?


China held the 22nd         APEC economic leader’s meeting in Beijing in 2014. 

