首页/ 题库 / [多选题]

— __________


–Are you settling in well here in this city?

– _________________

— Haven't seen you for ages, Mike. ________________?

— Pretty good. Everything goes well.

I’m writing to ________ a position as a computer engineer in your company. 

-Wow! This is a marvelous room! You must spend a lot of time and energy in it.

-Would you like me to help you to make a plan today for the summer vacation?

—Do you mind if I ask you why you choose to be a volunteer?

—____________________identify the problems that have been occurring?
—Well, as you know, the problems we had with Gary caused a lot of friction among the team.

— __________
— You might as well write a thanks-note.

—Can I get you a couple of tea?

He will write to me as soon as he ________ home.

(单选题)I don’t advise ________ the house now, but you might consider ________ it for six months.(2)
-Have a nice weekend.
-You too!
Tom writes well; Mary writes ____; but Mike writes ____.( )
-What happened?

-As you know, my schoolmates never _______ their clothes well.
—you______( )_____ stop me.
—Even if you __________it, I won\'t allow you to swim across the river.
— ____________________________. — But you just got here. Can\'t you stay a little longer?
—Our holiday cost a lot of money. —Did it? Well, that doesn.t matter____________ you enjoyed yourselves.( )
______ (既然) you have come you may as well stay
You have got a good job Why aren’ t you happy______________________________________
I, as well as he, __________a student
