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Mary's talking to的答案

Mary's talking to the lawyer about her competitor who ________ on her trademark.

2021-07-17 19:10
、 infringe
、 infringes
、is infringing

is infringing


On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several()a day.
After a vacation with her girlfriend, a woman would talk to her again on the phone for hours in order to .
—The girls are talking about the art festival ______.—Yes. They have so many fun things to share.
What do we know about the Amsterdam American Hotel according to the talk?
He talked ____ (兴奋地) to the reporters about his hopes of winning the race.
He made up his mind to talk to the girl about his plan, even though he knew she might very well refuse to listen.
On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several()a day.
On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several()a day.
Measures should be taken to avoid the negative effect (bring) ____ about by unfair competition.
What does the passage mainly talk about?
【参考范例三】PART 2Describe a foreign musician or artist you like. You should say:  who the person is  what he/she is good at in art field  when you began to know him/her  and explain why you like to talk about this person.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
【参考范例八】A TV HostPart 2Describe a TV host you like. You should say:who the host is how you got to know him/her what is special about him/her and explain whether he/she is popular among your friends.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

 I was giving a talk to a large group of people,the same talk I ___to half a dozen other groups before. 

Mary's talking to the lawyer about her competitor who ________ on her trademark.

It's ___________ to point to or talk about strangers in public.

Jason made sharp comments on Mary's idea, but he didn't mean _____ her.

We were told that Sue would be ideal for the job, but she()badly when we talked to her.
Mary's second book Growing Up Again is mainly about her __
Hello, may I talk to the manager about the price?
What does the text mainly talk about? ( )
The speaker said something about the actors first and then _____ to talk about the film.( )
Mary.s talking to the lawyer about her competitor who ________ on her trademark.
Beth was________ about visiting his ex-boyfriend; she worried that he might refuse to talk to her
Every time she talked about being rejected in her hunt for a job, she seemed on the ________ of tears, and I would quickly switch the conversation to another topic
The speaker talked about sports in general and about football
(阅读理解)I found out one time that doing a favor for someone could get you into a lot of trouble I was in the eighth grade at the time, and we were having a final test During the test, the girl sitting next to me whispered something, but I didn’t understand So I leaned over her way and found out that she was trying to ask me if I had an extra pen She showed me that hers was out of ink and would not write I happened to have an extra one, so I took it out of my pocket and put it on her desk Later, after the test papers had been turned in, the teacher asked me to stay in the room when all the other students were dismissed(解散) As soon as we were alone she began to talk to me about what it meant to grow up; she talked about how important it was to stand on your own two feet and be responsible (负责任) for your own acts For a long time, she talked about honesty and emphasized(强调) the fact that when people do something dishonest, they are really cheating(欺骗) themselves She made me promise that I would think seriously(认真地) about all the things she had said, and then she told me I could leave I walked out of the room wondering why she had chosen to talk to me about all those things Later on, I found out that she thought I had cheated on the test When she saw me lean over to talk to the girl next to me, it looked as if I was copying answers from the girl’s test paper I tried to explain about the pen, but all she could say was it seemed very very strange to her that I hadn’t talked of anything about the pen the day she talked to me right after the test Even if I tried to explain that I was just doing the girl a favor by letting her use my pen, I am sure she continued(继续) to believe that I had cheated on the test(1)The story took place(发生) exactly ____________
On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several ________ a day
What are the speakers talking about?
She mought l was talking about her son___________at many,I was talking about my son.
When mentioning “the $4 million to $10 million range” (Lines 3-4, Paragraph 3) the author is talking about.
The speaker talked about sports in general and about football()
Jessica()her father on the knee and asked him not to worry about his health.
