首页/ 题库 / [单选题]Letter can express y的答案

— ________________

—Can you tell me something about your new product?

—Can I take your order, madam?

Sometimes your body language, gestures and expressions may tell people ______________ about you than the words you use.

You can send them gifts ______ your best clients.

Attending parties occasionally can ________ up your life.
Express your appreciation in________way, but do not thank the reader in advance.
He must have heard of the bad news,______________can be perceived in his expression.
If you are _______busy to attend the meeting, you can send your assistant to take your place.
You must think of ______ you can do for your parents.
Show me your ______hand. Can you move it like that?
“Can I borrow your bike?”_______ “You have a bike.”
_________ I am! I.ve forgotten to post your letter.
If your coat is too large, the tailor can __________ it to fit you.
As she is looking forward to _______ from me, please remember _______ this letter on your way to school.( )
—Hi, Tory, can I use your computer for a while this afternoon? —Sorry. __________.
We acknowledged the receipt of your letter dated 26th September _____ connection ______ the above subject. 选项
We thank you for your letter of May 27 and the _____ illustrated catalogue. 选项
Bob: can i help with your luggage? Mary: ______.
There is only one thing that people can.t _____________you, and that is your wisdom.
26 Without my glasses I can hardly________ what has been written in the letter
