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Sperm whales can produce stronger ultrasonic waves to kill their prey than dolphins.

2022-01-03 11:27
C、Not mentioned


解析:问题中的关键词是kill,本题说鲸鱼能发出比海豚更强烈的超声波去杀死猎物。利用信息词Sperm whales,ultrasonic waves和prey作为答案线索,对应原文第五段,“They do a whole range of other sounds like barks.groans and a kind of gunshot.”he said.“The gunshot is an intense pulse of sound.Sperm whales use it to stun their prey.”原文说鲸鱼会发出高脉冲声波恐吓猎物,未提及杀死猎物的内容,因此选C。

Morphology studies how words can be formed to produce meaningful sentences.
Document outputs are produced on(75) , devices that produce text or images on paper.
Document outputs are produced on(71), devices that produce text or images on paper.
High-speed rotating in a centrifugal purifier can produce a force () larger than the force of gravity.
High-speed rotation in a centrifugal purifier can produce a force () the force of gravity.
Sperm whales can produce stronger ultrasonic waves to kill their prey than dolphins.
In modern fathometers the sonic or ultrasonic sound waves are produced electrically by means of a(n)().
Microwave communication uses high-frequency(56)waves that travel in straightlines through the air. Because the waves cannot(57)with the curvature of the earth, they can be(58)only over short distance. Thus, microwave is a good(59)for sending data between buildings in a city or on a large college campus. For longer distances, the waves must be relayed by means of "dishes" or(60).These can be installed on towers, high buildings, and mountain tops.
根据下面的文字资料回答 71~75 题In the following essay,each blank has fourchoices.Choose the best answer and write down on thean,swer sheet.Microwave communication uses( 1 )frequency radio waves that travel instraighdine sthroughthe air.Because the waves cannot( 2 )with the curvature of the earth,they can be ( 3 )onlyover short distance.Thus,microwave is a good( 4 )for sending data between bulldingsin a city or on a large college campus.For longer distances,the waves must berelayed by means of“dishes”or( 5 ).These can be installed on towers,highbuildings,and mountain tops.第71题:文中( 1 )处正确的答案是( )。
The heat that is produced by burning garbage can be used to______.
When MiShel gave birth to her first girl, the new sperm-separation technique _____.
Only sharp _____ can enable man to be just right and good in his conduct, and can produce such a sharp sense in the highest degree.
The wealth of a country should be measured()the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce.
What can we learn about the tsunami waves generated by the earthquake? ( )
We can’t wave to say goodbye in .( )
 We can’t wave to say goodbye in .( )
“ The waves beside them danced; but they /Outdid the sparking waves in glee;” here, “they ” refer to____.
Digital data can be produced by all of the following expect ().
A whale is____ larger than a fish.
Amy is more stronger than that girl.
The mother whale failed to help her baby because__________.
Their ______Coil Smith says, “Animal research is irrelevant to our health and it can often produce misleading results. ”
What is the distance from the bottom of a wave trough to the top of a wave crest?()
The correction to be applied to a Loran-C reading when matching a sky wave to a ground wave may be found().
A wave entering()is likely to produce bores.
Toward the new business wave, the writer's attitude can be said to be _______ .
The blue whale is()largest animal in the world.
It can be inferred from the passage that all of the following are ways of producing new strains of influenza viruses EXCEPT______.
Cumulonimbus clouds can produce().
A cold front moving in from the northwest can produce().
