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The phrase at stake in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to______.

2022-01-11 06:58
A、in return
B、in danger
C、at present
D、by chance



词汇解释题。at stake是“处在危险中”的意思,只有in danger符合这一意思;in return作为回报;at present目前;by chance碰巧,偶然地。故选B。
   在国家公园管理局庆祝其100周年纪念日之际,奥巴马总统宣布建立一个新的国家保护区,并且扩建另一个。在缅因州,超过87 500英亩的森林将首次变成政府保栌的公园绿地。在夏威夷,2006年由乔治·布什总统建立的国家保护区将扩大到约582578英亩,

:不管外界对大学英语四、六级考试有怎样的非议,每年的四、六级考试还是_________地进行着,不少高校的学位证书仍然与大学英语四、六级考试挂钩着,大学英语四、六级考试成绩依然神气着……当大学英语四、六级考试_________成只为一纸证书考试时,大学英语四、六级考试就已经变得_________了。 填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
不管外界对大学英语四、六级考试有怎样的非议,每年的四、六级考试还是________地进行着,不少高校的学位证书仍然与大学英语四、六级考试挂钩着,大学英语四、六级考试成绩依然神气着……当大学英语四、六级考试________成只为一纸证书考试时,大学英语四、六级考试就已经变得________了。填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
The“person in the phrase ”to designate a person or persons ashore having direct access to the highest level of management” refers to ().
(), or drum is used for hauling in or letting out the wires or ropes which will fasten the ship to the shore.
The () is used for hauling in or letting out the wires or ropes.
The()may examine or re-examine the goods or take samples from them straightaway in the absence of the consignee or the consignor whenever it considers this necessary.
某学生在某次期中考试中,估计自己的英语考试成绩为80分,但其实际成绩为85分。于是,他将期末考试中英语考试的理想成绩定为90分。根据阿尔德弗尔的ERG理论,这反映了该学生的( )。
某学生在某次期中考试中,估计自己的英语考试成绩为80分,但其实际成绩为85分。于是,他将期末考试中英语考试的理想成绩定为90分。根据阿尔德弗尔的ERG理论,这反映了该学生的(  )。
正常成人体内不易发生维生素K缺乏的原因之一是(  )。[江苏2011年11月三级真题]
患(  )缺乏的已发育成熟的成人会出现阳痿、性欲减退等表现。[湖北省2010年5月三级真题]
It's important for us to select the best word or phrase according to the ________ in language studies. ( )
The shipment time is June or July at our __ and the goods will be shipped in one __
It\'s important for us to select the best word or phrase according to the ________ in language studies. ( )
某年初中入学考试时语文、数学、英语的计分比例为4:3:3,一个学生的考试成绩语文为72分,数学为94分,英语为79分,那么该生(假设各科难度相近)总平均分数为( )
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage according to our textbook
Goods of an inflammable,explosive or dangerous nature to the shipment whereof the carrier,master or agent of the carrier,has not consented,with knowledge of their nature and character,may at any time before discharge,()at any place or destroyed or rendered innocuous by the carrier without compensation.
The Great Charter(or Magna Carta)was signed by King John at Runnymede in()
If the state of the goods at the time they were handed over to the consignee has been the subjectof a joint survey or inspection by the parties,notice in writing()be given of loss or damage ascertained during such survey or inspection.
Owners are to be responsible for loss of or damage to the goods or delay in delivery of the goods only in case the loss,damage or delay has been caused by the improper or negligent stowage of the goods.This means that().
Where a container,pallet or similar article of transport is used to consolidate goods,the number of packages or units enumerated in the bill of lading as packed in such article of transport()to be the number of packages or units in calculating the amount beyond which the carrier or the ship is not reliable.
The carrier is liable for loss of or damage to the goods or delay in delivery caused by fire,()the claimant proves that the fire arose from fault or neglect on the part of the carrier,his servants or agents.
The phrase at stake in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to______.
It’s()to stow optional cargo in the lower hold.You’d better give it block stowage in the tweendecks,then it can be easily discharged either at Shanghai,or Dalian or Tianjin.
