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The history of the U.S. is generally agreed to have begun in _____.

2022-03-01 09:01




The cubic inch(or liter) displacement of a cylinder is determined by the diameter of the piston and the ()
The history of the U.S. is generally agreed to have begun in _____.
Off hire is when a vessel breaks down,strands,or has any damage that prevents the working of cargo or delays the sailing of the vessel.Under which of the following charter parties is off hire most likely to be mentioned?().
Off hire is when a vessel breaks down,strands,or has any damage that prevents the working of cargo or delays the sailing of the vessel.Under which of the following charter parties is off hire mostlikely to be mentioned?().
How is the Master or operator of a vessel required to keep the crew informed of the regulations concerning the discharging of garbage overboard?().
()is entitled to enter into,with a shipper,any agreement,stipulation,condition,reservation or exception as to the responsibility and liability of the carrier or the ship for the loss of or damage to,or in connection with,the custody and care and handling of the goods prior to the loading on,and subsequent to the discharge from,the ship on which the goods are carried by sea.
Every deliberate act of wrongdoing by the master or any of the crew against the ship or cargo,without the authorization or privity of the Shipowner or his agent,is().
(), or drum is used for hauling in or letting out the wires or ropes which will fasten the ship to the shore.
A salvor may be()the whole or part of the payment due under Salvage Convention to the extent that the salvage operations have become necessary or more difficult because of fault or neglect on his part or if the salvor has been guilty of fraud or other dishonest conduct.
Chemical Tankers are generally referred to the cargo ships constructed or adapted and used for the carriage of().
The schedule management plan is a component of the project management plan. The Schedule management plan maybe formal or informal, highly detailed or broadly framed, based upon the()of the project, and includes appropriate control thresholds.
●A (68) is a feature of the system or adescription of something the system is capable of doing in order to fulfill the system's purpose.
第一组:When a nominated surveyor or recognized organization determines that the condition of the ship or its equipment does not correspond substantially with the particulars of the Certificate (IOPP) or is such that the ship is not fit to proceed to sea without presenting an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment, such surveyor or organization shall immediately ensure that corrective action is taken and shall in due course notify the Administration. If such corrective action is not taken, the Certificate shall be withdrawn and the Administration shall be notified immediately; and if the ship is in a port of another Party, the appropriate authorities of the port State shall also be notified immediately. When an officer of the Administration, a nominated surveyor or a recognized organization has notified the appropriate authorities of the port State, the Government of the port State concerned shall give such officer, surveyor or organization any necessary assistance to carry out their obligations under this regulation. When applicable, the Government of the port State concerned shall take such steps as will ensure that the ship shall not sail until it can proceed to sea or leave the port for the purpose of proceeding to the nearest appropriate repair yard available without presenting an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment.Whenever an accident occurs to a ship or a defect is discovered which substantially affects the integrity of the ship or the efficiency or completeness of its equipment covered by this Annex the master or owner of the ship shall report at the earliest opportunity to the Administration, the recognized organization or the nominated surveyor responsible for issuing the relevant Certificate, who shall cause investigations to be initiated to determine whether a survey as required by paragraph 1 of this regulation is necessary. If the ship is in a port of another Party, the master or owner shall also report immediately to the appropriate authorities of the port State and the nominated surveyor or recognized organization shall ascertain that such report has been made.When a ship is found not fit to proceed to sea by a nominated surveyor, then corrective action should be taken and be informed immediately. (1)the master (2)the authorities of port State (3)the Administration
__________ is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance.
The form of the bullet screen triggers the social attribute of the movie, and the prospect of developing the screen technology or form for the movie is broad
Generally speaking, the __________ specifies whether a certain tagmeme is NOT in the position of the Nucleus or of the Margin in the structure
If the goods is damaged or lost in the process of logistics, the shipper can()to the carrier.
The payment proportionate to the part of the voyage accomplished or to the part of the cargo delivered is referred as().
Multiple ChoiceThe history of the U.S. is generally agreed to have begun in ()
Apart from special contract or statute every Shipowner is()a liability akin to that of a common carrier,irrespective of whether the goods were shipped by a Charterer or on a general ship.
A project life cycle is a collection of generally sequential project ( ) whose name and number are determined by the control needs of the organization or
If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ()any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen’s enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.
During loading or discharging,where the delay is due to the Shipowner’s fault,or that of his servants or agents acting within their authority,the time actually delayed is to be()in calculating lay days.
Owners are to be responsible for loss of or damage to the goods or delay in delivery of the goods only in case the loss,damage or delay has been caused by the improper or negligent stowage of the goods.This means that().
Where a container,pallet or similar article of transport is used to consolidate goods,the number of packages or units enumerated in the bill of lading as packed in such article of transport()to be the number of packages or units in calculating the amount beyond which the carrier or the ship is not reliable.
The carrier is liable for loss of or damage to the goods or delay in delivery caused by fire,()the claimant proves that the fire arose from fault or neglect on the part of the carrier,his servants or agents.
● The personal computer or (72) is the smallest general-purpose computer.(72)
The personal computer or______is the smallest general-purpose computer.
● The personal computer or (72) is the smallest general-purpose computer.
In a general cargo crane, () is fitted to raise or lower the jib.
The president (or head) of the House of Lords in Britain is ()
Sudden starts or stops of the boom is likely to cause all of the following except().
