首页/ 题库 / [问答题]肩关节半脱位的主要康复护理手段是什么?的答案


2022-04-02 14:05

(1)正确体位摆放。 患者肩关节损伤,患者坐位时上肢要置于膝上或桌上,并可在轮椅上置一桌板或枕头,防止患者的手悬垂。卧位时患者肩关节后垫一枕头;另起坐时,采用Bobath握手姿势将上肢前伸放桌上,减少重力牵引肩部。(2)主、被动运动。 为使肩胛骨向下、向后回旋的全部肌肉的张力过高得到抑制,可让患者抬举上肢从鼻侧方向向上、向前;为使移位的肩胛骨向中线靠近,可让患者向患侧翻身;为纠正肩胛骨向前突出,可让患者使健侧的肩向后方回旋;为使昼夜维持肩关节正确位置,当患者坐位时,应让患肢肘部放置在桌上或轮椅的扶手上。不活动时上肢采用双侧活动时手的抗痉挛模式放在桌上,并常用健手帮助病手做上抬的活动。经常进行用健侧手协助患肢上举的活动,让患者患侧上肢肘关节伸直,腕关节背屈;卧位时患手放在坐位臀部水平略外侧,然后让躯体向患侧倾斜,利用患者体重使患肢各关节受压及负重,以反射性地刺激稳定肌群,(3)肩吊带。 如已出现不全脱位,在转移和活动其他部分时,只好用吊带支托保护。依据每个患者具体情况,由护士为患者定做肩托,起到保护肩关节的作用。


boost的意思是:help or encourage to increase or improve
eloquent的意思是:fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing

A campus emergency ______ occur at any time of the day or night, weekend, or holiday, with little or no warning.

Mainly east 3 or 4 partly cloudy to overcast occasional rain()slowly south moderate or good.
()any case or suspected case of quarantinable disease,or any case of eruptive disease or any death be discovered,the local quarantine officer must be notified immediately.
Should any case or suspected case of quarantinable disease,or any case of eruptive disease or any death be discovered,the local Quarantine Officer must be()immediately.
设a=5,b=4,c=3,d=2,则表达式3>2*b Or a=c And b<>c Or c>d的值是
设a=5,b=4,c=3,d=2,则表达式3>2*b Or a=c And b<>c Or c>d的值是
Masters are()solely responsible for all damages or accidents of whatever kind resulting from the navigating or handling of their vessels by day or by night.
系统中雷达状态包括Unknown、Operational(or ON)、Failed(or OFF)、Detached。
The carrier is liable for loss of or damage to the goods or delay in delivery caused by fire,()the claimant proves that the fire arose from fault or neglect on the part of the carrier,his servants or agents.
Shutdown price(or point,or rule) 停业价格(或停业点、停业原则)
设a=5,b=4,c=3,d=2,则表达式3>2术b Or a=c And b<>c Or c>d的值是
设a=5,b=4,c=3,d=2,下列表达式的值是 3>2*b Or a=c And b<>C Or c>d
设a=5,b=4,c=3,d=2,下列表达式的值是( )。 3>2*b Or a=c And b<>c Or c>d
设a=5,b=4,c=3,d=2下列表达式的值是 3>2*b Or a=c And b<>C Or c>d
设a=5,b=4,c=3,d=2,下列表达式的值是 3>2*b Or a=c And b<>c Or c>d
设a=2,b=3,c=4,d=5,下列表达式的值是( )。 3>2*b Or a=c And bc Or ba+c
设t=2,b=3,c=4,d=5,则下面语句输出的是( )。 Print3>2*b Or a=c And bc Or c>d
翻译:With Average or With Particular Average(WA or WPA)()
