1岁6个月男婴,6个月断母乳喂养改混合喂养(米糊、粥、蛋、鱼、肉均有补充),并保证每天有鲜牛奶。易发热、咳嗽,常于食牛奶后诉脐周痛,大便1~2次/日,稀糊状。体检面色苍白,心、肺(-),腹平软,肝肋下1cm,脾肋下未及。RBC 3.5× 10^12/L,Hb 80g/L, MCV 67fL,网织红细胞0.015。
该患儿予硫酸亚铁每天4mg/kg治疗1个月后,贫血稍有改善但仍不正常,可能的原因是Goods are carried by several of transport--on road or rail, by sea or air.
You can _____ some bottles of wine, or some chocolates, or a bunch of flowers.
A campus emergency ______ occur at any time of the day or night, weekend, or holiday, with little or no warning.