To: Mr. Mark Hudson, CEO
From: Paul Christina, Director of the Human Resources Department
Date: May 28, 2012
Proposal on how to turn classroom training into workplace learning As requested by the CEO, I am submitting this report to the management for consideration. The purpose of this report is to summarize the key factors in making effective learning cycle.
Our company will provide overall training programmes, aiming at improving staff’s performance. However, classroom training does not always turn into valuable learning. As everyone knows, we can acquire much of the knowledge needed for effective job performance through practical experience, instead of from specific training programmes. Based on the statistics, it is unlikely that trainees on a typical corporate training programme apply more than 3 per cent of what they have learnt to their work. Most people cannot remember at least 10 per cent of what they have learned within a week of receiving training.
How do we ensure that professional training work for the employees, administrative staff and company alike? As far as I am concerned, the following key factors need to be taken into account:
Objectives: Trainees should have clear objectives. When trainees have clear objectives to achieve in all training programmes they are more likely to learn effectively and gain the competences they need.
Practice: Trainees should have the chance to experiment with different ways of doing things, observe how others do their jobs, try new skills and get specific feedback on their performance.
Application: Trainees should be capable of applying what they have learned to real work situations and evaluate the consequences, according to the insights they have acquired in the goal-setting and training.
Attitude: Employees should adopt a positive and mature approach, with practical expectations about what the training programmes can achieve. The employees should be instructed to realize the long-term value of training and motivated to take ownership of the learning process.