首页/ 题库 / [单选题]高层建筑的主的答案

高层建筑的主体结构的基础底面形心与永久重力荷载的重心之间的关系(  )最为有利

2021-07-17 23:48
A、<span style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: 14px"><strong>两心重合</strong></span>
B、<span style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: 14px"><strong>两心越远越好</strong></span>
C、<span style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: 14px"><strong>两心平行放置</strong></span>
D、<span style="FONT-FAMILY: 宋体; COLOR: black; FONT-SIZE: 14px"><strong>两心垂直放置</strong></span>



boost的意思是:help or encourage to increase or improve
eloquent的意思是:fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing

No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then sell or _______ away. 

A campus emergency ______ occur at any time of the day or night, weekend, or holiday, with little or no warning.

All people, whether they be rich or poor, strong or weak, privileged or deprived,are interdependent, and _______ the common task of seeking to achieve mankinds full potential
Mainly east 3 or 4 partly cloudy to overcast occasional rain()slowly south moderate or good.
()any case or suspected case of quarantinable disease,or any case of eruptive disease or any death be discovered,the local quarantine officer must be notified immediately.
Should any case or suspected case of quarantinable disease,or any case of eruptive disease or any death be discovered,the local Quarantine Officer must be()immediately.
Masters are()solely responsible for all damages or accidents of whatever kind resulting from the navigating or handling of their vessels by day or by night.
If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ()any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen’s enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.
系统中雷达状态包括Unknown、Operational(or ON)、Failed(or OFF)、Detached。
Owners are to be responsible for loss of or damage to the goods or delay in delivery of the goods only in case the loss,damage or delay has been caused by the improper or negligent stowage of the goods.This means that().
The carrier is liable for loss of or damage to the goods or delay in delivery caused by fire,()the claimant proves that the fire arose from fault or neglect on the part of the carrier,his servants or agents.
Shutdown price(or point,or rule) 停业价格(或停业点、停业原则)
翻译:With Average or With Particular Average(WA or WPA)()
【参考范例二】Animals or Pets What is your favourite animal?
( )Is red a strong color or a peaceful color?
Generally speaking,with()the weather becomes cloudy or overcast with strong winds.
()shall be liable for loss of and damage to the Vessel and/or goods arising or resulting from inaccuracies in stating the description,quantity,weight,measurement or contents.
Generally speaking,with()the weather becomes cloudy or overcast with strong winds.
