首页/ 题库 / [单选题] The information in 的答案
The information in the first paragraph is presented mainly through
The information in the first paragraph is presented mainly through
What does the underlined sentence mean (in the first paragraph, the fourth line)?
1. The words “intelligent” and “brilliant” in the first paragraph probably mean _______ while “dull” in the second paragraph means ________.
What does the word “assurance” mean in the first paragraph?
The first paragraph is mainly about ______.()
In the first paragraph, LIKE here it means: ( )
Which of the following is closest in meaning to the first paragraph
●The presentation layer is concerned with the _(71) and semantics of the informationexchanged between two systems. The processes in two systems are usually exchanginginformation in the form. of character (72)-,numbers, and so on. The information should be changed to bit (73) before .being transmitted. Because different computers use different encoding systems, the presentation layer is responsible for (74) between these different encoding methods. The presentation layer at the sender changes the information from its sender-dependent format into a common format. The presentation layer at the receiving machine changes the common format into its (75) dependent format.frequency syntax dialog format(72)
●The presentation layer is concerned with the (71) and semantics of the informationexchanged between two systems. The processes in two systems are usually exchanginginformation in the form. of character (72),numbers, and so on. The information should be changed to bit (73) before .being transmitted. Because different computers use different encoding systems, the presentation layer is responsible for (74) between these different encoding methods. The presentation layer at the sender changes the information from its sender-dependent format into a common format. The presentation layer at the receiving machine changes the common format into its (75) dependent format.frequency syntax dialog format(72)
In .the first sentence of the second paragraph, the word skyrocketed, most probably means ______.
In the first sentence of Paragraph 3,the word "cushion" can be best replaced by
The word "accepted" in the last sentence of the first paragraph roughly means ______.
Which sentence in the second paragraph is the topic sentence?
Object-oriented analysis (OOA) is a semiformal specification technique for the object-oriented paradigm. Object-oriented analysis consists of three steps. The first step is(1). It determines how the various results are computed by the product and presents this information in the form of a (2) and associated scenarios. The second is (3) , which determines the classes and their attributes, then determines the interrelationships and interaction among the classes. The last step is (4) , which determines the actions performed by or to each class or subclass and presents this information in the form of (5) .
Object-oriented analysis(OOA)is a semiformal specification technique for the object-oriented paradigm. Object-oriented analysis consists of three steps. The first step is(71). It determines how the various results are computed by the product and presents this information in the form. of a(72)and associated scenarios. The second is(73), which determines the classes and their attributes. Then determine the interrelationships and interaction among the classes. The last step is(74), which determines the actions performed by or to each class or subclass and presents this information in the form. of(75).
Object-oriented analysis (OOA) is a semiformal specification technique for the object-oriented paradigm. Object-oriented analysis consists of three steps. The first step is(71) . It determines how the various results are computed by the product and presents this information in the form. of a(72) and associated scenarios. The second is(73) , which determines the classes and their attributes, then determines the interrelationships and interaction among the classes. The last step is(74) , which determines the actions performed by or to each class or subclass and presents this information in the form. of (75) .
The main idea of the first paragraph is _____.
The word 'company' in the first paragraph refers to __.
In the third paragraph, the author is mainly interested in _____.
