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A model has to take with her some spare shoes, make-up, spare tights, etc in a bag because she ______

2021-09-06 20:45
A、doesn’t have any more personal belongings
B、is afraid they may be stolen
C、is often called to start working at a moment’s notice
D、needs to present them to her audience in the commercials



In a crossing situation,a stand-on vessel which is forced to take action in order to avoid collision with a vessel on her own port side shall,if possible,avoid().
After a vacation with her girlfriend, a woman would talk to her again on the phone for hours in order to .
Any computer, be it a large PC or a small embedded computer, is useless if it has no means to interact with the outside worl
rior to the UML, there was no clear leading(1)language. Users had to choose from among many similar modeling languages with minor differences in overall(2)power. Most of the modeling languages shared a set of commonly accepted concepts that are expressed slightly differently in various languages. This lack of(3)discouraged new users from entering the OO market and from doing OO modeling, without greatly expanding the power of modeling. Users longed for the industry to adopt one,or a very few, broadly supported modeling languages suitable for(4)usage.Some vendors were discouraged from entering the OO modeling area because of the need to support many similar, but slightly different, modeling languages. In particular, the supply of add-on tools has been depressed because small vendors cannot afford to support many different formats from many different(5)modeling tools. It is important to the entire OO industry to encourage broadly based tools and vendors, as well as niche products that cater to the needs of specialized groups.
Prior to the UML, there was no clear leading(111)language. Users had to choose from among many similar modeling languages with minor differences in overall(112)power. Most of the modeling languages shared a set of commonly accepted concepts that are expressed slightly differently in various languages. This lack of(113)discouraged new users from entering the OO market and from doing OO modeling, without greatly expanding the power of modeling. Users longed for the industry to adopt one, or a very few, broadly supported modeling languages suitable for(114)usage.Some vendors were discouraged from entering the OO modeling area because of the need to support many similar, but slightly different, modeling languages. In particular, the supply of add-on tools has been depressed because small vendors cannot afford to support many different formats from many different(115) modeling tools. It is important to the entire O0 industry to encourage broadly based tools and vendors, as well as niche products that cater to the needs of specialized groups.
It must never be forgotten()the master has no authority to take extraordinary measures for the cargo owner if the latter or his representative can be communicated with.
If necessary to avoid collision or allow more time to()the situation,a vessel shall slacken her speed or take all way off by stopping or reversing her means of propulsion.
Andrea's tendency to ______ her skill as a driver was more than genuinely irritating; it was hard to take such claims seriously from someone who has had her license suspended twice.
The(7)technique involves using project characteristics in a mathematical model to predict total project cost. Models can be simple or complex.
The()technique involves using project characteristics in a mathematical model to predict total project cost. Models can be simple or complex.
During counterflooding to correct a severe list or trim aggravated by an off-center load,a ship suddenly takes a list or trim to the opposite side. You should().
He failed to carry out some of the provisions of the contract, and now he has to take charge of the consequences.
The( )technique involves using project characteristics in a mathematical model to predict total project costs. Models can be simple or complex.
The(72)technique involves using project characteristics in a mathematical model to predict total project costs. Models can be simple or complex.
()she goes to a bar in the evening with her colleagues.
A vessel may be unable to take proper and effective action due to the speed()too high or,in some circumstances,too low.
He failed to carry out some of the provisions of the contract, and now he has to take charge of the consequences.
—Nothing wrong with it , ?—No .Yours is a specially-built model. Drive carefully ,though .It takes time to run in a new car.
“They rose when she entered—a small, fat woman in black, with a thin gold chain descending to her waist and vanishing into her belt, leaning on an ebony cane with a tarnished gold head. Her skeleton was small and spare…” these sentences are taken from ___
On some trains, if a passenger wants to get off, he has to ___.( )
We can infer from what Pick said that she has some problems with her intelligence.
If you want to take a lot of things with you ,what do you take to go out(单选)—5分
A model has to take with her some spare shoes, make-up, spare tights, etc in a bag because she ______

 The()technique involves using project characteristics in a mathematical model to predict total project cost. Models can be simple or complex.

If a student has a problem with classroom work,he or she should______.
From her conversations with her friends,I could ___that she has a large family.
If a boy or a girl has grown up in a home with sharing tasks and decisions,he or she will probably______.
When you work with a computer, it leaves some useful error messages or window(66)to help you with your work.
A vessel shall slacken her speed,stop,or reverse her engines,if necessary,to().
Lucy has a great sense of humor and always keeps her colleagues________ with her stories.
The Urgency Signal()indicates that the station calling has a very urgent message to transmit concerning the safety of a ship or aircraft,or of some person on board or within sight.
