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If a boy or a girl has grown up in a home with sharing tasks and decisions,he or she will probably______.

2021-12-31 19:30
A、believe that life is a “battle of sexes”
B、accept equality as their parents did
C、prepare more fully for participation in a cooperative world
D、insist that man has a place in the home


[解析] 见本文第一段倒数第三行。

When a man who has fallen overboard is being picked up by a lifeboat,the boat should approach with the wind().
If the router R1 has a packet with a destination address, what describes the operation of the network()。
In a certain class there are 18 boys and 12 girls. If the class average score for a history exam is 90 and the boys’ average score is 86, what is the girls’ average score?
We learn from the text that a person with heart disease has a better chance of getting well if
()is a silvery cloud in the front of feathers or fibres seen high up against a blue sky.
An ISP has provided a DSL Internet connection with a static IP address. A technician is setting up a small office home office (SOHO) wireless router and needs to provide Internet access to five PCs on the network. Which of the following should be enabled?()
A person has fallen overboard and is being picked up with a lifeboat. If the person appears in danger of drowning,the lifeboat should make().
How can a Ezonexam administrator determine if a router has been configured when it is first powered up?
In a class of 160 seniors, the ratio of boys to girls is 3 to 5. In the junior class, the ratio of boys to girls is 3 to 2. When the two classes are combined, the ratio of boys to girls is 1 to 1. How many students are in the junior class?
If help has not arrived in 10-12 hours after you abandon a vessel in a survival craft,you should().
If help has not arrived in 10-12 hours after abandoning a vessel in a rescue boat,you should ().
Up to Tuesday's attack, the worst school shooting in the U. S. was in March 1998 in Jonesboro, two boys, aged 11 and 13, shot and killed a teacher and four girls.( )
Up to Tuesday\'s attack, the worst school shooting in the U. S. was in March 1998 in Jonesboro, two boys, aged 11 and 13, shot and killed a teacher and four girls.( )
Up to Tuesday.s attack, the worst school shooting in the U. S. was in March 1998 in Jonesboro, _______ two boys, aged 11 and 13, shot and killed a teacher and four girls.( )
A: Do you have any children? B: Yes, a boy and a girl.
A modern city has been set up in ______ was a wasteland ten years ago.
With a long history and high_________, this company has established a good reputation at home and abroad. 选项
In a close relationship or a marriage, if one person tries to control another, domestic abuse may happen.
Maria often has a walk with( )parents in the morning
A model has to take with her some spare shoes, make-up, spare tights, etc in a bag because she ______
Maria often has a walk with()parents in the morning.
When a child becomes a grown-up, he is supposed to_.
When a child becomes a grown-up,he is supposed to______.
If a ship has sternway,with accommodation block aft,she may settle with the wind().
If a student has a problem with classroom work,he or she should______.
If a boy or a girl has grown up in a home with sharing tasks and decisions,he or she will probably______.
()is put into use in the late years to maintain a preset tension in a mooring line after a ship has been tied up at a pier.
A circuit that has one wire in contact with the hull of the ship is a()
()means any person by whom or in whose name a contract of carriage of goods by sea has been concluded with a shipper.
A refrigerant with oil in solution has a ().
Any computer, be it a large PC or a small embedded computer, is useless if it has no means to interact with the outside worl
