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Cloze 9  Frank was a very talkative little boy. He never saw a new thing 1______ asking a great many questions about it.
  His 2______ was very patient and kind. When it was 3______to answer his questions, she would do so. Sometimes she would say, “You are not 4______enough to understand that, my son. When you are ten years old, you many ask me about it, and I will tell you.”
  The first time Frank saw an hourglass(沙漏),he was very much interested, but he did not know 5______it was. His mother said, ‘An hourglass is made in the 6______of the figure 8. The sand is put in at one end, and runs through a small hole in the 7______. As much sand is put into the glass as will run through in an hour.
  When Frank watched the little stream of sand, he was impatient, 8______it would not run faster.
  “Let me 9______it, mother,” said Frank:“ it is lazy, and will never get through.”
  “Oh yes, it will, my son,” said his mother. “The sand moves down little by little, but it moves all the time.
  “When you look at the 10______of the clock, you think they go very slowly, and so they do; but they never 11______.”
  “While you are playing, the sand is running, grain (颗粒) by grain. The hands of the clock are moving, second by second. At night, the sand in the hourglass has run through twelve times. The hour hand of the clock has moved all around its face. This is because they keep working every 12______. They do not stop to think how much they have to do, or how long it will 13______them to do it.
  Now Frank’s mother wanted him to learn a little poem, but he said, “Mother, I can 14______do it.
  His mother said, “Study all the time. Never stop to ask how long it will take to learn it. You will be able to say it very soon.”
  Frank 15______his mother’s advice. He studied line after line, very busily; and in one hour and half he knew the poem perfectly.

2022-01-15 13:06

1.A  句意:他没有哪一回看见新东西不提一堆问题的。由前一句可知Frank是一个爱说话的男孩,说明他遇到新东西肯定会说一大堆话,本句前面有个never,所以这里用without,双重否定表肯定。
2.C  句意:她的母亲又善良又有耐心。从后文可以看出,每天在耐心回答Frank问题的人应该是Frank的母亲。
3.B  句意:每当回答他的问题比较适当时,她都会回答。有时候Frank的问题适合他的年龄,所以母亲会为他解答,但是有的时候问题不适合他这个年纪的人理解。proper适当地。impossible不可能的。useless无用的。
4.D  句意:有时候她会说:“你太小了,没办法理解这些,儿子,等你十岁的时候,你可以问我,到时候我就会告诉你了。”母亲说等Frank长到十岁的时候再问这些问题,说明现在的Frank还太小,这些问题对他来说不合适。not old enough表示“年龄太小”。popular受欢迎的。wise明智的。friendly友好的。
5.A  句意:但是他不知道那是什么。Frank第一次看见沙漏的时候很感兴趣,但是因为他年龄较小又是第一次看到,所以不知道那是什么东西。what表示“什么东西”。
6.B  句意:沙漏被做成8字型。沙漏和数字8之间的共同点就是形状一致。shape表示“形状”。
7.A  句意:沙漏的一端放进沙子,然后沙子会通过沙漏中间的小洞。沙漏是8字型的,所以最细的那个小洞应该是在沙漏的中间,沙子会流经小洞,从一端到达另外一端。middle中间的。back后面的。front前面的。top顶部的。
8.B  句意:当弗兰克看着那一点沙子的细流时,他开始变得不耐烦以来,因为沙子不会流的更快。沙漏流动的速度是不变的,一直都是慢慢的,因此让Frank变得不耐烦了。前面说Frank开始不耐烦,后面解释原因,所以这里应该用because。
9.D  句意:“让我摇一下它,妈妈。”弗兰克说,“它流的太慢了,永远不可能完全过去的。”弗兰克觉得沙漏流的太慢了,想摇一下让它流的快一点。shake摇动。kick踢。touch触摸。drop落下。
10.C  句意:当你看着时钟的指针时,会觉得它走得很慢,确实是这样。hand表示“时钟的指针”,符合题意。face脸。time表示“时间”,是一种抽象物质,没办法看到。surface表面。后面说走得很慢可知这里是指时钟的指针。
11.A  句意:但它们从不会停止。下文说,不管你在做什么的时候,时钟的指针都在移动,一秒又一秒,说明这里说的是指针从不会停止。
12.B  句意:因为它们每一分钟都在工作。时钟上的指针每一分钟都在转动。一天、一个月还有一年这些时间太长了,不能说明指针时刻转动。
13.C  句意:它们从不会停下来思考它们要做多少,或者要花费多长时间。how long表示对时间的提问,how long it take表示“花费多长时间”。
14.D  句意:妈妈,我可做不到。后面母亲要Frank一刻不停地学习那首诗,并告诉他只要这样做了就能学会,而最终Frank听从了母亲然后花了一个半小时学会了,说明诗歌的学习并不容易,这里Frank对自己没有信心,觉得自己学不会,所以母亲才会给Frank建议。hardly几乎不。finally最终。easily容易地。carefully小心翼翼地。
15.C  句意:Frank听从了母亲的建议。前面母亲要Frank每时每刻学习,不要问要花费多长时间,后面Frank一行一行地学习诗歌,一个半小时之后终于学会了,说明Frank是按照母亲的建议来做的。follow one’s advice听从某人的建议。


boost的意思是:help or encourage to increase or improve
eloquent的意思是:fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing

When a company needs to         new people, it may advertise the job in a newspaper or on a website.

— Is it better to be physically attractive or intelligent?


— Do you prefer a portable or a clumsy 3D printer?


Sometimes buyers only purchase some        , tangible or intangible.

You can have eggs      or hard-boiled.

As a rule, the buyer is responsible for        a ship or booking the shipping space.

Goods are carried by several        of transport--on road or rail, by sea or air.

— Hey, Derek, which do you think is harder to learn, marketing or designing?



—  I mean the best way is using your own mobile phone or computer to operate it. 

      people are no longer worried about whether their food is safe or not      they enjoy a better life.

Every child is unique. Don’t        him or her to others.

— May I suggest the sales start on or about October 1?

—                      .

Actually, buyers are the group of people          want to buy certain goods or services.

Prices may change quickly if supply or demand         .

—I think we can use two or more kinds of media together in an advertising campaign. 


— I wonder whether I could accept this discount or not.



