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正确使用移动电话应该做到:( )A. 不可以随时接打B. 随意借用或处置C. 一直开机D. 保持手机畅通

2022-06-21 15:10



热情待客做到()A. 眼到B. 茶到C. 意到D. 口到E. 心到
Passage 1  What is the substance of discovery? Can we obtain the experience of  1 who discover and make their work generally  2 or must each generation of scientists and inventors  3 again? Why do some scientists burn out  4 young while others remain creative  5 old age? Why are so many discoveries and inventions  6 by those who work in poorly funded institutions?  7 scientists have no idea how they do science  8 historians of science have no idea how scientists do science, then who does?  The strange thing is that we  9 as if discovery were the inevitable by-product  10_well-organized research programs and as if the  11 management techniques appropriate to  12 bridges, motorways and power stations were  13 to the generation of new ideas. We  14 of cost-effective science and of  15 resources into centers of excellence. By  16 such ideas to their conclusion, however, we  17 reduce the gene bank of cultural diversity to such a(n)  18 that we would produce only scientific clones-specialist technicians at  19 -whose imaginative powers, never awaked.  20 , planned research is essential, and scared resources need saving but, since science is essentially a journey into the unknown, there must be a place for occasional detours to examine the unexpected.1. A. them      B. which    C. those     D. people2. A. available   B. free     C. open     D. convenient3. A. absorb     B. learn    C. practice   D. understand4. A. at       B. by      C. from     D. when5. A. into      B. as      C. even if    D. though6. A. collected   B. made     C. caused    D. produced7. A. when      B. Since    C. If      D. As8. A. yet      B. but     C. also     D. and9. A. act      B. function   C. appear    D. perform10. A. in      B. by      C. of      D. for11. A. aim      B. project   C. assignment  D. activity12. A. build     B. building   C. building of  D. the building13. A. applicable  B. right    C. accurate   D. just14. A. consider   B. argue    C. talk     D. examine15. A. fastening   B. making    C. fixing    D. concentrating16. A. observing   B. chasing   C. following   D. obeying17. A. might     B. must     C. should    D. can18. A. range     B. spread    C. stretch    D. extent19. A. last     B. large    C. best     D. length20. A. However    B. Of course  C. In addition  D. Besides
Passage 2  Is there something as truth? For good many centuries “the search for truth” has been  1 _ the noblest activity of the human mind, but the seekers after truth have come to such  2 conclusions that it often seems that very little progress has been made.  3 , there are many people who feel that we are actually going backward  4 our knowledge. They  5 , often contemptuously, that we have more “knowledge” than our ancestors, but they think we are farther from the truth than ever, or even that we have  6 the truth that we once possessed.  If people look for anything long enough without finding it, the question naturally arises  7 the thing is really there to find. You have seen a picture of an animal with a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and a serpent’s tall and maybe an eagle’s wings for good  8 . There is plenty of evidence that each part of this animal  9 -but there is no  10   evidence that the parts ever occur in this combination. It is at least  11 that the seekers after “truth” have made a similar mistake and invented a(n)  12 combination.  It is  13 to consider that the noun truth comes from the adjective true, and that the Latin world for truth, verities, also comes form an adjective, versus. In both languages the notion of true -accurate,  14 to facts-seems to have developed before the notion of truth. We cannot definitely prove this,  15 even older words meaning “truth” may have been forgotten, but it seems  16 . If you want to find out whether a man has told the truth, you  17 his words with facts. If they  18 , you decide that his statement was true. You may then say either that his words were true or that he spoke the truth-but you cannot simply  19 words to find out whether there is something called truth in them. Your second statement is merely a grammatical  20 of the first.1. A. regarded    B. considered   C. pondered   D. referred2. A. illegal    B. identical   C. different   D. profound3. A. However    B. Nevertheless  C. In fact    D. In contrast4. A. to abandon   B. to derive   C. to enrich   D. to accumulate5. A. confess    B. realize    C. admit     D. reveal6. A. found     B. missed     C. lost     D. enriched7. A. while     B. that      C. when     D. whether8. A. measure    B. luck      C. reason    D. sense9. A. endures    B. exists     C. prevails   D. emerges10. A. appropriate  B. unique     C. reliable   D. dependent11. A. informative  B. thoughtful   C. considerable D. conceivable12. A. unbelievable B. imaginary   C. impressive  D. idealized13. A. enlightening B. delighting   C. refreshing  D. distressing14. A. conforming  B. complying   C. matching   D. resembling15. A. although   B. since     C. if      D. therefore16. A. reasonable  B. inevitable   C. incredible  D. distinguish17. A. Separate   B. discern    C. compare    D. distinguish18. A. suit     B. fit      C. vary     D. identify19. A. survey    B. audit     C. examine    D. investigate20. A. distinction  B. deformation  C. specification D. variation
Passage 4  One afternoon I was sitting at my favorite table in a restaurant, waiting for the food I had ordered. Suddenly I (1)______ that a man sitting at a table near the window kept glancing in my direction, (2)______ he knew me. The man had a newspaper (3)______ in front of him, which he was (4)______ to read, but I could (5)______ that he was keeping an eye on me. When the waiter brought my (6)______ , the man was clearly puzzled (困惑) by the (7)______ way in which the waiter and I (8)______ each other. He seemed even more puzzled as (9)______ went on and it became (10)______ that all the waiters in the restaurant knew me. Finally he got up and went into the (11)______ When he came out; he paid his bill and (12)______ without another glance in my direction.  I called the owner of the restaurant and asked what the man had (13)______ “Well,” he said, “that man was a detective (侦探). He (14)______ you here because he thought you were the man he (15)______ What?” I said, showing my (16)______. The owner continued, “He came into the kitchen and showed me a photo of the wanted man. I (17)______ say he looked very much like you! Of course, since we know you, we told him that he had made a (18)______ . Well, it’s really (19)______  “I came to a restaurant where I’m known, ”I said.“ (20)______, I might have been in trouble. ”1. A. knew      B. understood      C. noticed     D. recognized2. A. since      B. even if       C. though      D. as if3. A. flat      B. open         C. cut       D. fixed4. A. hoping     B. thinking       C. pretending    D. continuing5. A. see       B. find         C. guess      D. learn6. A. menu      B. bill         C. paper      D. food7. A. direct     B. familiar       C. strange     D. funny8. A. chatted with  B. looked at      C. laughed at    D. talked about9. A. the waiter   B. time         C. I        D. the dinner10. A. true      B. hopeful       C. clear      D. possible11. A. restaurant   B. washroom       C. office      D. kitchen12. A. left      B. acted        C. sat down     D. calmed down13. A. wanted     B. tried        C. ordered     D. wished14. A. met      B. caught        C. followed     D. discovered15. A. was to beat  B. was dealing with   C. was to meet   D. was looking for16. A. care      B. surprise       C. worry      D. regret17. A. must      B. can         C. need       D. may18. A. discovery   B. mistake       C. decision     D. fortune19. A. a pity     B. natural       C. a chance     D. lucky20. A. Thus      B. However       C. Otherwise    D. Therefore
文学理论课程选择题汇总 提出文学作为一种活动 , 是由作品、作家、世界、读者等四个要素组成的文艺家是: A. 艾布拉姆斯 B. 韦勒克 C. 沃伦 D. 菲雷泽 2. 面对创作—作品—接受和文学创造艺术价值—艺术消费这一文学活动系列,把社会学的、心理学的等多种视角和方法融合在一起的理论是: A. 文学哲学 B. 文学文化学 C. 文学符合学 D. 文学价值学 3. 在《列夫托尔斯泰是俄国革命的镜子》一文中,首次用反映这个词说明了文学是对于生活的反映,这篇文章的作者是 : A. 马克思 B. 恩格斯 C. 列宁 D. 斯大林 4. 完整地提出并论述“审美意识形态”这个概念的是: A. 马克思 B. 阿·布洛夫 C. 恩格斯 D. 西方和东方信仰马克思主义的学者 5. 马克思提出关于生产、消费、分配、交换相互交往关系的理论,成为后来的马克思主义发展的一个重点,吸收了马克思的这一观点,并提出著名的交往行为理论的当代理论家是: A. 哈贝马斯 B. 阿·布洛夫 C. 伊塞尔 D. 姚斯 6. 宣扬形式对内容的超越,往往用现代语言学来解释文学的本质的是: A. 人本主义文论 B. 科学主义文论 C. 马克思主义文论 D. 西方马克思主义文论 7. 提出“人是目的”理论的西方文艺理论家是 : A. 费尔巴哈 B. 康德 C. 席勒 D. 歌德 8. 在 20 世纪 60 年代,提出话语理论并对文学活动中四要素之一的作者做了谱系学研究的是: A. 阿多诺 B. 杰姆逊 C. 哈贝马斯 D. 福科 9. 提出“陌生化”概念,强调作品语言与现实之间的距离,认为文学创造的过程就是通过“扭曲”的语言使现实生活变得陌生化的过程 的是: A. 女权主义 B. 结构主义 C. 俄国形式主义 D. 英美新批评派 10. 提出“隐含的读者”的概念,开启了接受美学由接受研究向效应研究的内在转变的是: A. 姚斯 B. 伊瑟尔 C. 哈贝马斯 D. 兰瑟姆 11. 德国美学家格罗塞在《艺术的起源》一书中认为,艺术起源于: A. 巫术 B. 宗教 C. 游戏 S D. 劳动 12. 提出:“宗教力量对民族性格的形成有着决定性的影响”,并以此分析了资本主义率先在西欧发生的原因的是: A. 列维—斯特劳斯 B. 马克斯·韦伯 C. 普罗普 D. 弗莱 13. 提出“诗赋欲丽”、“文以气为主”的中国古代文论家是 : A. 刘勰 B. 陆机 C. 曹丕 D. 钟嵘 14. 在西方,文学从广义的文学中独立出来,审美的文学观念从文化的文学观念中分离出来,大约是在 _______ 时间完成的。 A. 16 世纪 B. 17 世纪 C. 18 世纪 D. 19 世纪 15. 刘勰在 ________ 中提出“是以陶钧文思,贵在虚静,疏瀹五藏,澡雪精神”的文论观。 A. 《诗品》 B. 《文赋》 C. 《文心雕龙》 D. 《诗话》 16. 最早提出艺术起源于模仿的是: A. 雅典人 B. 斯巴达克人 C. 古希腊人 D. 古罗马人 17. 把情感看作是人类的一种普遍情感,而不是个人的感情,认为“艺术乃是象征着人类情感的形式之创造”的是: A. 英国美学家科林伍德 B. 英国浪漫诗人雪莱 C. 俄国现实主义大师托尔斯泰 D. 符号学美学家苏珊·朗格 18. 提出“诗人的职责不在于描述已发生的事,而在于描述可能发生的事,即按照可然律或必然律判断可能发生的事”的是: A. 柏拉图 B. 亚里士多德 C. 赫拉克利特 D. 德谟克里特 19. 提出灵感来源于“神赐的迷狂”的文艺理论家是: A. 柏拉图 B. 亚里士多德 C. 劳森 D. 伍尔夫 20. 由画竹提出从“形之于心”到“形之于手”理论的是: A. 刘勰 B. 李渔 C. 郑燮 D. 苏轼 21 称列夫·托尔斯泰为“俄国革命的一面镜子”的是: A. 恩格斯《致玛·哈克奈斯》 B. 巴尔扎克《〈古物陈列馆〉、〈钢巴拉〉初版序言》 C. 别林斯基《一八四〇·别林斯基作品全集》 D. 列宁《列夫·托尔斯泰是俄国革命的镜子》 22. “诗意的裁判”是恩格斯对 _________ 的评价。 A. 列夫·托尔斯泰 B. 巴尔扎克 C. 劳拉·拉法格 D. 普列汉诺夫 23. 从艺术的内容和形式的角度将艺术分为象征型、古典型、浪漫型的是 : A. 黑格尔 B. 席勒 C. 康德 D. 费尔巴哈 24. 象征性文学的重要特点是: A. 再现性与逼真性 B. 表现性与虚幻性 C. 暗示性与朦胧性 25. 以下几项内容最符合报告文学特点的是 : A. 题材广泛、结构自由灵活 B. 完整复杂的情节叙述 C. 以人物台词推进戏剧动作 D. 及时性与纪实性 26. 将文学文本分成字音及语音组合、意义层、多重图式化层以及再现客体等四个层面的是: A. 马尔库赛 B. 卢卡契 C. 英伽登 D. 狄德罗 27. 下列哪一项不是文学言语的特点: A. 内指性 B. 心理蕴含性 C. 阻拒性 D. 假定性 28. 提出“真实地再现典型环境中的典型人物”的著名论断的是: A. 马克思 B. 恩格斯 C. 斯大林 D. 希尔特 29. 提出“隐含的读者”的概念,开启了接受美学由接受研究向效应研究的内在转变的是: A. 伊瑟尔 B. 伽达默尔 C. 姚斯 D. 哈贝马斯 30. “意象”这一审美范畴最早出现在: A. 《原诗》 B. 《周易·系辞》 C. 《人间词乙稿序》 D. 《论衡·实知》 31. 由叙事文学研究开始转向文学的社会文化背景研究的是: A. 俄国形式主义 B. 英美新批评派 C. 法国结构主义 D. 西方马克思主义 32. “文以气为主 , 气之清浊有体 , 不可力强而致”出自: A. 曹丕:《典论论文》 B. 刘勰:《文心雕龙》 C. 苏轼:《书摩诘蓝田烟雨图》 D. 王夫之:《夕堂永日绪论内编》 33. 把文学风格分成二十四类:雄浑、冲淡、纤秾、沉著等等的是。 A. 钱锺书:《淡艺录》 B. 司空图:《二十四诗品》 C. 元好问:《论诗三十首》 D. 刘师培:《南北文学不同论》 34. 最早指出文艺要“寓教于乐”的人是: A. 贺拉斯 B. 维吉尔 C. 荷马 D. 埃斯库罗斯 35. 提出“《诗》可以兴,可以观,可以群,可以怨”的是: A. 荀子 B. 孟子 C. 孔子 D. 老子 36. “兴观群怨”说中的“兴”指的是: A. 审美体验 B. 审美认识 C. 审美交流 D. 审美批判 37. 提出“隐含的读者”概念的是 : A. 姚斯 B. 约翰·巴恩 C. 伊瑟尔 D. 莱蒙托夫 38. 阅读过程中的“期待视野”主要是针对文学作品四要素的哪一个而言的: A. 世界 B. 作家 C. 作品 D. 读者 39. 读者在阅读文学作品时,专注于把握作品的内涵,分析作品的意义 ,探讨艺术创作的规律,以期对文学作品进行科学的评价,这主要来自于读者的: A. 求知动机 B. 受教动机 C. 批评动机 D. 借鉴动机 40. 提出文学作品的意义在于一个无限对话过程的是 A. 英伽登 B. 伊瑟尔 C. 伽达默尔 D. 菲洛伊德 41. 提出“美学的和历史的观点”作为文学批评最高标准的是: A. 恩格斯《诗歌和散文中的德国社会主义》 B. 恩格斯《致婓·拉萨尔》 C. 马克思《德意志意识形态》 D. 马克思《 1844 年经济学哲学手稿》 42. 强调文学与社会生活的关系,认为文学是再现生活并为一定的社会历史环境所形成的是: A. 伦理道德批评 B. 社会历史批评 C. 审美批评 D. 文化批评
二、单项选择题 ( 在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填在题干的括号内。每小题 1 分,共 15 分 ) 1. 对压电式加速度传感器,希望其固有频率 ( ) A. 接近零 B. 尽量低些 C. 尽量高些 D. 任意 2.( ) 传感器可用于医疗上 -50 °C~ 150 °C之间的温度测量。 A. 金属辐射式 B. 热电偶 C. 半导体三极管 D. 比色计 3. 信号传输过程中,产生干扰的原因是 ( ) A. 信号是缓变的 B. 信号是快变的 C. 干扰的耦合通道 D. 信号是交流的 4. 差动电桥由环境温度变化引起的误差为 ( ) A. B. C. D.0 5. 概率密度函数提供了随机信号 ( ) 的信息。 A. 沿频率轴分布 B. 沿幅值域分布 C. 沿时域分布 D. 沿尺度分布 6. 非线性度是表示校准曲线 ( ) 的程度。 A. 接近真值 B. 偏离拟合直线 C. 正反行程不重合 D. 重复性 7. 非周期信号的频谱是 ( ) A. 连续的 B. 离散的 C. 基频的整数倍 D. 脉冲函数 8. 莫尔条纹光栅传感器的输出是 ( ) A. 数字脉冲式 B. 调幅式 C. 调频式 D. 正弦波 9. 半导体应变片具有 ( ) 等优点。 A. 灵敏度高 B. 温度稳定性好 C. 可靠性高 D. 接口电路复杂 10. 一阶系统的动态表征参数是 ( ) A. 线性度 B. 固有频率 C. 阻尼比 D. 时间常数 11. 常用于测量大位移的传感器有 ( ) A. 感应同步器 B. 应变电阻式 C. 霍尔式 D. 涡流式 12. 将电阻应变片贴在 ( ) 上,就可以分别做成测力、位移、加速度等参数的传感器。 A. 质量块 B. 导体 C. 弹性元件 D. 机器组件 13. 半导体热敏电阻率随着温度上升,电阻率 ( ) A. 上升 B. 迅速下降 C. 保持不变 D. 归零 14. 结构型传感器是依靠传感器 ( ) 的变化实现信号变换的。 A. 材料物理特性 B. 体积大小 C. 结构参数 D. 电阻值 15. 阻抗头是
经度和维度是用于表示点的 ( )。 A.地理坐标 B.直角坐标 C.高斯平面坐标 D.任意坐标
综合分析题(每题的备选答案中有一个或一个以上符合题意。错选不得分;少选,但选择正确的每个选项得相应分)2016年5月,甲省乙市(非较大的市)人民政府为加强不动产登记管理工作,根据《物权法》、《不动产登记条例》和《不动产登记条例实施细则》、甲省人大出台的《甲省不动产登记条例》及甲省政府颁布实施的《甲省不动产登记办法》等法律、法规,出台了《乙市不动产登记办法》等一系列规定,全面建立并完善了不动产登记体系。请根据以上内容回答下列问题。1.《物权法》属于()。A.法律 B.地方性法规C.政府规章 D.部门规章2.《不动产登记条例》属于()。A.法律 B.行政法规C.地方性法规 D.部门规章3.甲省人大出台的《甲省不动产登记条例》属于()。A.法律 B.地方性法规C.政府规章 D.部门规章4甲省政府颁布实施的《甲省不动产登记办法》属于()。A.法律 B.地方性法规C.政府规章 D.规范性文件5.在上述所列法律、法规中,效力最高的是()。A.《物权法》 B.《不动产登记条例》C.《甲省不动产登记条例》 D.《甲省不动产登记办法》6.甲省乙市人民政府出台的《乙市不动产登记办法》属于()。A.法律 B.地方性法规C.政府规章 D.规范性文件
1. 常有群峰簇拥、峭拔危立、雄伟险峻特点的地貌类型是( )。 A. 花岗岩地貌 B. 丹霞地貌 C. 岩溶地貌 D. 流纹岩地貌 2. 下列各组名山中,分别属于花岗岩名山、岩溶山水、丹霞风光的是( )。 A. 黄山、织金洞、仁化丹霞山 B. 华山、雁荡山、千山 C. 衡山、滴江山水、三清山 D. 庐山、路南石林、阿里山 3.“ 精巧玲珑、奇秀异常、色握如丹、灿若明霞 ” 的地貌特征属于( )景观。 A. 花岗岩山地景观 B. 岩溶地貌 C. 丹霞地貌 D. 火山地貌 4. 有 “ 中国古代道教建筑的露天博物馆 ” 之誉的是()。 A. 华山 B. 武夷山 C. 雁荡山 D. 三清山 5. 野柳风景区位于( )省,是海蚀、风蚀等在不同硬度的岩层上作用,造就了千奇百怪的瑰丽景象。 6. 具有 “ 华中屋脊 ” 之称的名山是()。 A. 三清山 B. 神农架 C. 武当山 D. 黄山 7. 祝融峰是( ) 的最高峰。 A. 衡山 B. 庐山 C. 雁荡山 D. 三清山 8. 与大理素负盛名的 “ 风花雪月 ” 四景有关的是( )。 A. 玉龙雪山 B. 苍山 C. 泸洁湖 D. 丽江 9.“ 三三秀水清如玉,六六奇峰翠插天 ” 指的是( )美景。 A. 武夷山 B. 庐山 C. 雁荡山 D. 三清山 10. 中国古代三大宫殿建筑天贶殿、大成殿、太和殿分别位于( )。 A. 泰山岱庙 曲阜孔庙 北京故宫 B. 承德避暑山庄 泰山岱庙 北京故宫 C. 曲阜孔庙 承德避暑山庄 北京故宫 D. 曲阜孔庙 北京故宫 泰山岱庙 11.“ 无峰不奇、无石不峭、无庙不古、无处不幽 ” ,说的是( )。 A. 玉龙雪山 B. 阿里山 C. 千山 D. 庐山 12. 有 “ 海上花园 ” 之誉, “ 城在海上,海在城中 ” 的海滨城市是( )。 A. 大连 B. 三亚 C. 厦门 D. 青岛 13. 国务院批准的中国首个以海洋经济为主题的国家战略层面新区是( )。 A. 浦东 B. 舟山 C. 青岛 D. 三亚 14. ( ) 是浙江省第一大河,发源于安徽省黄山市休宁县境内,流经安徽、浙江 二省。 A. 浦江 B. 飞云江 C. 曹娥江 D. 钱塘江 15. 漓江是( ) 的支流。 A. 黄河 B. 长江 C. 珠江 D. 钱塘江 16. “三江并流”是指( )“江水并流而不交汇”的世界罕见地理景观。 A. 金沙江 澜沧江 怒江 B. 金沙江 怒江 漓江 C. 江陵江 澜沧江 花江 D. 岷江 沱江 江陵江 17. “巴人悬棺”景点属于( ) A. 华山 B. 衡山 C. 三清山 D. 三峡 18. 镜泊湖、长白山天池、云南滇池从成因上分类,属于( )。 A. 成水湖、火山口湖、溶蚀湖 B. 堰塞湖、火山口湖、构造潮 C. 风成湖、冰川湖、构造湖 D. 溶蚀湖、堰塞湖、冰川湖 19. 亚洲第一大跨国瀑布是()。 A. 蛟龙瀑布 B. 德天瀑布 C. 诺日朗瀑布 D. 壶口瀑布 20. 象征忠烈的是( )。 A. 竹 B. 松 C. 莲 D. 梅 21. 我国不少旅游区都有特有动物,如扎龙的( )。 A. 猴群 B. 大象 C. 丹顶鹤 D. 大熊猫 22. 云南大理蝴蝶泉是著名的( )。 A. 冷泉 B. 观赏泉 C. 矿泉 D. 温泉 23. 佛光和海市蜃楼是大气中的( )现象所构成的奇幻景观。 A. 反射 B. 衍射 C. 折射 D. 透射 24. 北京拥有( )项世界遗产,是世界上遗产项目最多的城市。 A. 8 B. 7 C. 6 D. 5 25. 截至 2015 年,中国已有( )处地质公园进入联合国教科文组织世界地质园网络名录。 A.35 B.33 C.31 D.29 26. 我国最著名的流纹岩山地是( )。 A. 武陵源 B. 千山 C. 长白山 D. 雁荡山 27. 被称为 “ 花中四君子 ” 的是( )。 A. 松、竹、梅、兰 B. 玫瑰、蔷薇、 月季、牡丹 C. 梅、兰、竹、菊 D. 牡丹、荷花、菊花、梅花 28. 香山红叶、牡丹花会、断桥残雪和曲院风荷,分别反映的是( )四季的自然景观。 A. 夏、春、冬、秋 B. 春、夏、秋、冬 c 秋、夏、冬、春 D. 秋、春、冬、夏 29. 湖泊按成因分类,不正确的是( )。 A. 云南洱海为构造湖 B. 五大连池为火山口湖 C. 天山天池为冰川湖 D. 镜泊湖为堰塞湖 30 ,以下不属于道教四大名山的是( )。 A. 武当山 B. 齐云山 C. 龙虎山 D. 三清山 31. 最为著名、最为多见的佛光观赏地是( )。 A. 泰山岱顶 B. 峨眉山金顶 C. 黄山 D. 五台山 32. 中国是世界 “ 文化自然双重遗产 ” 的鼻祖,且拥有双遗产总数并列全球第一位,跟( )同为 4 项。 A. 法国 B. 意大利 C. 西班牙 D. 澳大利亚 33. 位于江西的 “ 世界自然遗产 ” ( ),享有 “ 江南第一仙峰,天下无双福地 ” 的美誉,其山岳风光道教文化相映成趣,秀比黄山。 A. 三清山 B. 龙虎山 C. 庐山 D. 井风山 34. 作为 “ 华侨文化典范之作 ” 的( ),是一种集防卫、居住和中西建筑艺术于一体的多层塔楼式建筑,体现出 “ 亦中亦西 ”“ 亦土亦洋 ” 的建筑风格。 A. 土司遗址 B. 福建土楼 C. 开平碉楼 D. 澳门历史城区 35. ( )是世界上唯一留存年代最久远、以无坝引水为特征的综合性水利工程, 也是 “ 天府之国 ” 富庶之源。 A. 都江堰 B. 中国大运河 C. 长江三峡 D. 三江并流 (5.0分)
[背景材料]某桥为主跨30m的预应力混凝土空心板梁,跨越河流。采用预制吊装,后张法施工。预制场设置在工地附近的空地上,基岩裸露。 [问题]: 该桥板梁预制的模板有何技术要求? 张拉使用的千斤顶、油压表、油泵、锚夹具必须符合设计要求,并配套标定或(①),以准确标定(②)的关系曲线。按设计要求(③),张拉时千斤顶的作用线必须与(④)重合。张拉采用(⑤)控制,以(⑥)作为校核,同时控制( )。①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ ①A.定期检查B.定期校验C.定期配套校验D.不定期校验 ②A.张拉力与钢束伸长量B.张拉力与压力表读数C.张拉力与锚夹具C.压力表与钢束伸长量 ③A.一段分批张拉B.两端张拉C.两端对称张拉D.两端同时对称张拉 ④A.管道轴线B.锚具轴线C.预应力轴线D.千斤顶轴线 ⑤A.应力B.伸长量C.夹片伸缩量D.千斤顶活塞伸缩量 ⑥A.应力B.伸长量C.夹片伸缩量D.千斤顶活塞伸缩量 ⑦A.夹片伸缩量B.千斤顶活塞伸缩量C.钢束断丝、滑丝数D.锚具变形量 对板梁应开展哪些主要内容的检验? 预应力筋张拉后,施工人员冲洗孔道后立即压浆,从一个梁端的高孔位到低孔位依次压浆,当压浆泵油表显示最大压力时立即停止压浆,转入下一个孔道的施工。请指出以上操作的错误之处,并加以改正。
《白毛女》的主要人物有( )等。 A. 杨白劳 B. 喜儿 C. 黄世仁 D. 穆仁智

下列诗人以边塞诗人著称的是:()。 A. 高适 B. 岑参 C. 王昌龄 D. 李贺

三相异步电动机在适当范围内增加转子电阻时,其最大转矩(  )。 A.增大           B.减小             C.不变        D.不一定  
三相异步电动机在适当范围内增加转子电阻时,其最大转矩(  )。 A.增大           B.减小             C.不变        D.不一定
白色念珠菌的致病形式为   A.芽生孢子   B.厚膜孢子   C.假菌丝   D.真菌丝   E.酵母样菌   正确答案:C
Passage 3  Though many television programs are very trivial, all channels have many admirable features, which make the best  1 use of this new  2 and wonderful entertainment and information, not to mention intellectual  3 . More than anything else, television drama_4 special mention. It may be difficult to go to a theater, but people who stay at home have5 opportunity for seeing good plus6 produced for television, as well as good programs of criticism. The remarkable growth in the circulation of the good-quality Sunday newspapers, and the7 of some of their less admirable rivals, indicates an improvement of the public taste, and although the development of education may have something to do with this it seems likely that television is  8 responsible too.   9 the other side there may be  10 for serious concern about the probable negative effects of some television programs  11 scenes of violence and crime are presented. The criminals are confident, well dressed, daring and dominant. The women are attractive, the men successful in  12 their admiration.  It would be absurd to  13 television wholly for the increase in crime in the last two decades.  14 may be observed that some anti-social people, young and old, have not seen much television violence, and that vast numbers of addicts of crime-and-violence films  15 themselves; but such statistical  16 do not prove anything.  17 is dear is that the increase in  18 with portrayals, of negative behavior as interesting behavior has  19 with an actual increase in anti-social behavior. There seems to be enough evidence to suggest that a great restraint over a long period in such portrayals  20 a worthwhile experiment.  1. A. probable   B. likely    C. possible   D. liable  2. A. mean     B. medium    C. source    D. instrument  3. A. pursuit    B. resource   C. interest   D. appeal  4. A. earns     B. reserves   C. worth     D. deserves  5. A. ample     B. comparable  C. accessible  D. available  6. A. peculiarly  B. exclusively  C. specially   D. principally  7. A. decline    B. popularity  C. reputation  D. attraction  8. A. sufficiently B. moderately  C. partly    D. vainly  9. A. From     B. By      C. On      D. In  10. A. places    B. room     C. rooms     D. possible  11. A. on which   B. from which  C. in which   D. of which  12. A. appealing  B. acquiring   C. engaging   D. winning  13. A. disapprove  B. charge    C. accuse    D. blame  14. A. This     B. That     C. It      D. What  15. A. enact    B. behave    C. conceive   D. perform  16. A. findings   B. discoveries  C. numbers    D. consequences  17. A. It      B. As      C. What     D. Which  18. A. experience  B. popularity  C. knowledge   D. familiarity  19. A. collaborated B. configured  C. matched    D. coincided  20. A. was     B. be      C. might be   D. were
Passage 2  Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of an  1 should be made even before choice of a curriculum in high school. Actually,  2  , most people make several job choices during their working lives,  3   because of economic and industrial changes and partly to improve their position. The “one perfect job” does not  4  . Young people should  5   enters into a broad flexible training program that will  6   them for a field of work rather than for a single  7 .  Unfortunately many young people have to make career plans  8  benefit of help from an  9   vocational counselor or psychologist. Knowing  10   about the occupational world, or themselves for that matter, they choose their lifework on a hit-or-miss basis. Some  11   from job to job. Others  12   to work in which they are unhappy and for which they are not fitted.  One common mistake is choosing an occupation for  13   real or imagined prestige. Too many high-school students-or their parents for them-choose the professional field,  14   both the relatively small proportion of workers in the professions and the extremely high educational and personal  15  . The imagined or real prestige of a profession or a white-collar job is no good  16   for choosing it as life’s work.  17  , these occupations are not always well-paid, since a large  18   of jobs are in mechanical and manual work. The  19   of young people should give serious  20   to these fields.1. A. identification  B. entertainment  C. accommodation  D. occupation2. A. however     B. thus       C. though      D. thereby3. A. entirely     B. mainly      C. partly      D. possibly4. A. fade       B. vanish      C. survive     D. exist5. A. since      B. therefore    C. furthermore   D. for6. A. make       B. fit       C. take       D. leave7. A. job       B. way       C. means      D. company8. A. with       B. for       C. without     D. to9. A. competent    B. competitive   C. aggressive    D. effective10. A. little     B. few       C. much       D. more11. A. turn      B. drift      C. leave      D. float12. A. apply      B. appeal      C. stick      D. turn13. A. our       B. its       C. your       D. their14. A. concerning   B. following    C. considering   D. disregarding15. A. preferences   B. requirements   C. tendencies    D. ambitions16. A. resource    B. background    C. reason      D. basis17. A. So       B. Nevertheless   C. But       D. Moreover18. A. rate      B. thickness    C. proportion    D. density19. A. majority    B. minimum     C. minority     D. multitude20. A. proposal    B. suggestion    C. consideration  D. appraisal
Passage 1  Do you know insurance (保险)? Buying insurance is a (1)______ by which people can protect themselves (2)______ large losses. Protection against fire is one kind of insurance. Large numbers of people pay (3)______ sums of money to an insurance company. Although thousands of people have paid for fire insurance, only (4)______ will lose their homes by fire The insurance company will pay for these homes out of the sums of money it has (5)______ .  The first modem fire insurance company was (6)______ in London, England, in 1666. A great fire had just (7)______ most of the cities, and people wanted protection against (8)______ losses. The first company (9)______ rapidly. Soon other companies were founded in other areas.  Benjamin Franklin helped form the first fire insurance company in America in 1752. He also (10)______ a new kind of insurance for (11)______. The new insurance would offer protection against the loss of crops (12)______ storms.  In 1775, Benjamin Franklin helped start (13)______ new insurance company in America. This company, (14)______ offered life insurance, collected some money (15)______ from many different men (16)______ a man died, his family was given a large sum of money. Today, this company is (17)______ in Business.  Over the years, people have (18)______ from many new kinds of insurance when they have suffered from (19)______ accidents as car and plane crashes.(20)______, almost everyone has some kinds of insurance.1. A. way       B. company     C. thought      D. means2. A. between     B. to        C. from       D. on3. A. small      B. large      C. little      D. few4. A. few       B. quite a few   C. a few       D. many5. A. fobbed      B. taken      C. collected     D. Borrowed6. A. organized    B. found      C. Built       D. formed7. A. injured     B. hurt       C. destroyed     D. harmed8. A. longer      B. farther     C. further      D. deeper9. A. grew       B. went       C. existed      D. 3 raised10. A. insisted    B. suggested    C. advised      D. wanted11. A. workers     B. salesmen     C. farmers      D. people12. A. By       B. from       C. for        D. with13. A. other      B. some       C. certain      D. another14. A. which      B. that       C. who        D. where15. A. regularly    B. often      C. usually      D. always16. A. Although    B. Until      C. If        D. Unless17. A. still      B. also       C. already      D. always18. A. heard      B. paid       C. Benefited     D. offered19. A. such      B. many       C. the        D. more20. A. Gradually    B. Today      C. Tomorrow     D. Lately
下述各种因素中()对软件维护有影响。 a.人员因素;b.技术因素;c.程序自身的因素;d.管理因素。
Passage 2  In sports the sexes are separate. (1)______ and men do not run or swim in the same races. Women are less strong than men. That (2)______ is (3)______ people say. Women are (4)______ “the weaker sex”, or if men want to please them,“the fair sex”. But boys and girls are taught (5)______ schools and universities. There are women (6)______ are famous prime ministers, scientists and writers. And women live longer than men. (7)______ European woman can expect (8)______ until the age of 74; a man only until he is 68. Are women's bodies really weaker? The fastest men can run a mile in (9)______ 4 minutes. The best women need 5 minutes. Women's times are always slower than (10)______ , but some facts are a surprise. Some of the (11)______ women swimmers today are girls. One of them swam 400 meters (12)______ 4 minutes and 21.2 seconds when she was only 16. The first“Tartan” in films (13)______ an Olympic swimmer, Johnny Weissmuller. His fastest 400 meters was 4 minutes and 59.1 seconds, (14)______ is 37.9 seconds (15)______ than a girl 50 years (16)______! This does not mean that women are catching men (17)______. Conditions are very different now, and sport is much (18)______ serious. It is (19)______ serious that some women are given hormone injections. At the Olympics a doctor has to check (20)______ the women are really women or not. It seems like that sport has many problems. Life can be very complicated when there are more than two separate sexes.1. A. Woman      B. Womans      C. Women     D. Females2. A. at least    B. at most     C. at less    D. at more3. A. that      B. which      C. what      D. who4. A. call      B. called      C. calls     D. to call5. A. in       B. to        C. on       D. at6. A. who       B. whom       C. what      D. that7. A. A        B. An        C. The      D. /8. A. live      B. to live     C. living     D. lived9. A. among      B. between     C. under     D. amount10. A. men      B. man       C. men’s     D. man’s11. A. fast      B. faster      C. fastest    D. fastly12. A. in       B. on        C. under     D. between13. A. were      B. is        C. was      D. are14. A. that      B. when       C. who      D. which15. A. slow      B. fast       C. slower     D. faster16. A. later     B. late       C. lately     D. latest17. A. on       B. at        C. up       D. in18. A. most      B. least      C. more      D. less19. A. such      B. so        C. very      D. many20. A. if       B. but       C. that      D. whether
Passage 1  The human race is using up the Earth's resources faster than ever before, according to a new report by the United Nations Population Fund. “Environmental devastation is not simply a waste of 1, it is a threat to the complex structures that 2human development,” says the report.  3 attention must be paid to find a(n)  4 between human and environmental needs, it says.  The report, State of the World Population 2001, says that water supplies and agricultural lands are coming  5 such increasing pressure that, if left  6 , our planet will not be able to support us in future years. Over the past 70 years, the world’s population has tripled to 6.1 billion people,  7 water-use increasing six-fold, says the report. Already 508 million people live in 31 countries that lack water. And the problem is likely to  8 as the global population is  9 to rise to eight billion by 2025.  By 2050, predicts the report, 4.2 billion people will be living in countries that cannot meet people's daily  10 needs. Unclean water and poor sanitation already kills over 12 million people every year. Food production is also  11 by environmental problems, says the report. “To  12 the future population and improve their diets, the world will have to double food production,” it says. “But since available cropland is  13 , most production will have to come from higher  14 rather than new  15 .”  According to the report, global poverty cannot be  16 without  17 the environmental damage caused by these increases in consumption and population  18 . To reduce the burden on the planet, the report suggests, all efforts should be  19 to improve education and healthcare, as this would  20 reduce population growth.1. A. facilities    B. resources   C. reserves   D. provisions2. A. support     B. found     C. retain    D. advocate3. A. Intensive    B. Intense    C. Emergent   D. Urgent4. A. equation     B. tradeoff    C. balance    D. axis5. A. under      B. into      C. below     D. beyond6. A. unnoticed    B. behind     C. alone     D. unchecked7. A. in        B. with      C. by      D. above8. A. aggravate    B. heighten    C. decline    D. worsen9. A. projected    B. speculated   C. intended   D. assessed10. A. luxurious    B. utmost     C. intrinsic   D. basic11. A. affected    B. effected    C. reflected   D. generated12. A. contain     B. lodge     C. furnish    D. accommodate13. A. shrinking    B. diminishing  C. contracting  D. waning14. A. outputs     B. turnovers   C. yields    D. harvests15. A. cultivation   B. production   C. farming    D. plowing16. A. lightened    B. released    C. elevated   D. alleviated17. A. reversing    B. inverting   C. upsetting   D. disregarding18. A. standards    B. indexes    C. norms     D. levels19. A. tried      B. taken     C. done     D. made20. A. in effect    B. in turn    C. in part    D. by turns
Passage 1  Many visitors (1)______ Britain are not fond of English food. They are often heard (2)______ ,"English food is not good, English cooking is (3)______" But they do not really know what they are talking about because they (4)______ get a chance to eat it. (5)______ of the restaurants in large towns have foreign (6)______ and serve foreign food. When visitors are (7)______ to eat in an English home, the hosts often feel they must offer them something (8)______. Those of us (9)______ do know English food understand that at its best it (10)______ be really very good. (11)______, it is true to say that it is (12)______ terrible. Part of the (13)______ is that we are not really interested in food — we eat to live, we do not live to eat. So usually we do not (14)______ the necessary time cooking truly good meals. We like food that is simple and (15)______ to cook, or already prepared food which only needs heating up (16)______ eating.  You can find the best English food in the country (17)______ the large towns, (18)______ life is slower and people are not in such a hurry. (19)______, of course, most visitors who come to London do not come because (20)______ food.1. A. in         B. at        C. to         D. of2. A. saying       B. asking      C. telling      D. talking3. A. wonderful     B. nice       C. terrible      D. special4. A. always       B. never       C. seldom       D. often5. A. Many        B. Most       C. All        D. None6. A. visitors      B. owners      C. waiters      D. guests7. A. invited      B. made       C. offered       D. asked8. A. different      B. usual       C. foreign      D. delicious9. A. whom        B. who        C. whose       D. which10. A. should       B. must       C. may        D. can11. A. At the same time B. On the other hand C. For example     D. In another word12. A. some time     B. sometime     C. sometimes     D. some times13. A. problem      B. question     C. answer       D. time14. A. take        B. waste       C. spend        D. have15. A. hard        B. hardly      C. easy        D. easily16. A. when        B. before      C. after       D. while17. A. near        B. inside      C. around       D. away from18. A. when        B. where       C. which       D. that19. A. But        B. And        C. So         D. If20. A. on        B. in         C. of         D. to
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