首页/ 题库 / [单选题]The human resources 的答案

The human resources department has informed you that two new temporary part-time employees will join your company next week. You are required to set up a workstation that will be used bythese employees. They do not need access to the network but they will need to access an HP LaserJet printer attached to the local computer. You install Windows 2000 Professional and format the hard disk using NTFS. What type of user account should you create for them?()

2022-06-30 13:05
A、No account. They can use the built-in guest account.
B、No Account. They can use the built-in Administrator account.
C、Local user account
D、Domain user account



标签: CMS专题

Estimating activity durations uses information on activity scope of(),required resource types, estimated resource quantities, and resource calendars.

Estimating activity durations uses information on activity scope of(74) , required resource types, estimated resource quantities, and resource calendars.
Estimating activity durations uses information on activity scope of (74), required resource types, estimated resource quantities, and resource calendars.(74)
The process of()schedule activity durations uses information on schedule activityscope of work, required resource types, estimated resource quantities, and resource calendarswith resource availabilities.
You created a tabular report for human resources department. After viewing layout users have requested that you change the label of the dept column to something more meaningful. How would you change the label in the live previewer?()
Write a memo in about 50 words. You are Human Resources Manager. Your company is going to provide the staff with training in E-Commerce. There will be two course levels: intermediate level and advanced level. The training course will be given on Saturdays for five weeks. Write a memo to department managers: ·Informing them of the coming training course; ·Asking them to encourage the staff to participate; ·Asking them to help obtain the names of the interested staff.
 The IT department is creating a human resources application that will require several new tables. You need to develop a standard alone executable that will defines these tables and their relationships. Which developer/2000 component could you use to create the executable?()
You created a report from the human resources department based on all the columns in the EMP table. After viewing the report users requested that the cmp_ID columns peers first in the output. How would you change the position of the column?()
Practice 8  ● You are the Director of the Human Resources Department. The CEO has asked you to prepare a proposal on how to turn classroom training into workplace learning for the management discussion.  ● Write the proposal explaining how to turn the classroom training into workplace learning.  ● In your proposal, you need to:  ● refer to the importance of turning professional training into workplace learning,  ● summarize the key factors in effective learning cycle such as goals, practice, and application, etc.  ● Write 200-250 words on the separate answer paper provided.
The human resources department has informed you that two new temporary part-time employees will join your company next week. You are required to set up a workstation that will be used bythese employees. They do not need access to the network but they will need to access an HP LaserJet printer attached to the local computer. You install Windows 2000 Professional and format the hard disk using NTFS. What type of user account should you create for them?()
Human Resources (HR) Department
The company director has informed us that we must ________ department budget by 25%.
The legislative provision has a great impact on the operations of the department.

The company’s Human Resources department will then select the most suitable people

to        an interview.

The only thing _____ really bothers students is whether they will have access to the resources room of the department.
_________ the information about this product, you can contact the sales department of our company.
The company director has informed us that we must department budget by 25%.
(单选、2.5分) The company director has informed us that we must ________ department budget by 25%.
As to who is to be hired, it is the Human Resources Department()has the final say
A sales department consists of many people who are based in different parts of the country or the world回答

The process of()schedule activity durations uses information on schedule activityscope of work, required resource types, estimated resource quantities, and resource calendarswith resource availabilities.

The master can refuse to()in the bill of lading the statements required by the Act if either he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the information given by the shipper is inaccurate,or he has no reasonable means of checking it.
The objective of information ( ) includes protection of information and property from theft,corruption,or natural disaster,while allowing the information and property to remain accessible and productive to its intended users.

The company’s Human Resources department will then select the most suitable people

to        an interview.

Click the Exhibit button and examine the data in the EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables.
You want to retrieve all employees, whether or not they have matching departments in the departments table. Which query would you use?()

The system has been designed to give students quick and easy to the digital resources of the library.
I (work) ____ in the Human Resources Department for five months since I joined the company.
An installed customer has developed human resource constraints in the IT department. Which of the following allows the sales professional to proceed with future sales?()

The process of()schedule activity durations uses information on schedule activity scope of work, required resource types, estimated resource quantities, and resource calendars with resource availabilities.

The process of( )schedule activity durations uses information on schedule activity scope of work, required resource types, estimated resource quantities, and resource calendars with resource availabilities.
The process of(72)schedule activity durations uses information on schedule activity scope of work,required resource types,estimated resource quantities,and resource calendars with resource availabilities.
The process of (74) schedule activity durations uses information on schedule activity scope of work, required resource types, estimated resource quantities, and resource calendars with resource availabilities.
