首页/ 题库 / [问答题]设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,的答案

设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计20分钟的英语听说教学方案。教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:●teaching objectives●teaching contents●key and difficult points●major steps and time allocation●activities and justifications教学时间:20分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学初中一年级学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已经达到《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》二级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。语言素材:Bob:Hi,Carol,How was your school trip yesterday?Carol:It was great!Bob:Did you go to the zoo?Carol:No,I didn't.I went to a farm.Look,here are my photos.Bob:Did you see any cows?Carol:Yes,I did.I saw quite a lot.Bob:Did you ride a horse?Carol:No,I didn't.But I milked a cow.Bob:Did you feed any chickens?Carol:Well,I saw some chickens but I didn't feed them.Bob:What else did you do?Carol:My friends and I went for a walk around the farm and talked with a farmer.

2022-01-21 15:03


Teaching Contents:
A short conversation about a school trip.
Teaching Objectives:
(1)Knowledge objectives
①Students can understand the words and the usage of simple past tense.
②Students can talk about past events in English after learning this conversation.
(2)Ability objective
Students can talk about their school trips fluently.
(3)Emotional objectives
①Students can build up their confidence of learming English.
② Students can develop the awareness of cooperation.
Teaching Key Point:
Students can understand the usage of simple past tense.
Teaching Difficult Point:
Students can talk about past events by using the simple past tense.
Major Steps:
Step 1
(1) Teaching new phrases Teach some phrases by using pictures, such as ride a horse, milk a cow and feed a chicken.
(2) Ask students to talk about two questions: Where did you go for your holiday? How was your trip?
(Justification: By teaching these phrases, students will have a better understanding of this article. And this step can arouse students' interest.)
Step 2  While-listening(9 minutes)
(1) Extensive listening
Ask students to listen to the tape for the first time and find out the topic.
(2) Intensive listening
Ask students to listen to the tape for the second time and complete the exercise: True or False.
a. Carol rode a horse yesterday.(  )
b. Carol saw some chickens and fed these chickens. (  )
c. Carol and friends went for a walk around the farm and talked with a farmer.(  )
(3) Repeat
Play the tape for the students and let them listen and follow, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
(Justification: By doing this, students can enhance their listening ability through listening in different ways and have a chance to practice pronunciation and intonation.)
Step 3 Post-listening(7 minutes)
(1) Find the rule
a.I saw quite a lot.
b.I milked a cow.
c.I saw some chickens but I didn't feed them.
d. My friends and I went for a walk around the farm and talked with a farmer.
Ask students to find out and summarize the rule of the simple past tense. Then the teacher explains the simple past tense.
(2) Role-play
Ask students to make a new conversation according to the National Day's holiday (or other holidays). Students are required to prepare the dialogue in 3 minutes. And 3 minutes later, invite some groups to share their performance in front of the class.
For example: A: Where did you go on your holiday?
B:I went to Qingdao.
A: What did you do in Qingdao?
B:I went to the beach and saw the sea.
(Justification: This step can help students to find and master the rule of the simple past tense. Role-play is an interesting activity, students can improve their speaking ability and be not afraid of speaking in public.)


Teaching Contents:
A short conversation about a school trip.
Teaching Objectives:
(1)Knowledge objectives
①Students can understand the words and the usage of simple past tense.
②Students can talk about past events in English after learning this conversation.
(2)Ability objective
Students can talk about their school trips fluently.
(3)Emotional objectives
①Students can build up their confidence of learming English.
② Students can develop the awareness of cooperation.
Teaching Key Point:
Students can understand the usage of simple past tense.
Teaching Difficult Point:
Students can talk about past events by using the simple past tense.
Major Steps:
Step 1
(1) Teaching new phrases Teach some phrases by using pictures, such as ride a horse, milk a cow and feed a chicken.
(2) Ask students to talk about two questions: Where did you go for your holiday? How was your trip?
(Justification: By teaching these phrases, students will have a better understanding of this article. And this step can arouse students' interest.)
Step 2  While-listening(9 minutes)
(1) Extensive listening
Ask students to listen to the tape for the first time and find out the topic.
(2) Intensive listening
Ask students to listen to the tape for the second time and complete the exercise: True or False.
a. Carol rode a horse yesterday.(  )
b. Carol saw some chickens and fed these chickens. (  )
c. Carol and friends went for a walk around the farm and talked with a farmer.(  )
(3) Repeat
Play the tape for the students and let them listen and follow, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
(Justification: By doing this, students can enhance their listening ability through listening in different ways and have a chance to practice pronunciation and intonation.)
Step 3 Post-listening(7 minutes)
(1) Find the rule
a.I saw quite a lot.
b.I milked a cow.
c.I saw some chickens but I didn't feed them.
d. My friends and I went for a walk around the farm and talked with a farmer.
Ask students to find out and summarize the rule of the simple past tense. Then the teacher explains the simple past tense.
(2) Role-play
Ask students to make a new conversation according to the National Day's holiday (or other holidays). Students are required to prepare the dialogue in 3 minutes. And 3 minutes later, invite some groups to share their performance in front of the class.
For example: A: Where did you go on your holiday?
B:I went to Qingdao.
A: What did you do in Qingdao?
B:I went to the beach and saw the sea.
(Justification: This step can help students to find and master the rule of the simple past tense. Role-play is an interesting activity, students can improve their speaking ability and be not afraid of speaking in public.)

在中学教育的基本方法中,教师引导中学生运用自己的经验和知识回答问题,从而获得新知识、巩固已学过的知识的方法是( )。
据北京教科院基础教育研究所2001年7月9日的调查:78.5%教师主张“教师为了教育孩子,应做孩子的知心人。”但与此同时,50.2%的教师认为自已所在学校存在着教师体罚、讽刺、挖苦学生的现象,并有38.6%的教师认为“教师经常批评、惩罚学生是出于对学生负责和对学生有爱心。”虽然反映教师经常发脾气的小学生、中学生的比例只有7.3%和9.8%,但是反映教师不发脾气的小学生和中学生的比例也只有20.6%和13.4%,也就是说有79.4%的小学生和86.6%的中学生认为教师在他们面前发脾气,只是“经常”、“有时”、“偶尔”之间的程度不同而已。 对以上调查结果你有什么感触,请用当代学生观的理念进行分析。
下面是一位初中语文教师为说明文《生物入侵者》一课设计的四个板块的教学内容,阅读并回答下面的问题。 第一步:语言的感受活动。活动内容:自由朗读课文,说说什么是"生物入侵者",本文向我们介绍了哪些"生物入侵者"。 第二步:语言梳理活动。活动内容:快速浏览课文,说说课文给我们介绍了关于"生物入侵者"哪些方面的知识。 第三步:语言提炼活动。活动内容:轻声读课文,圈划出各段的主句。学生写"课文浓缩文"。 第四步:语言欣赏活动。活动内容:默读课文第7小节,用"术语点评"的方式写几句赏析性的文字。请认真阅读这位教师设置的教学内容,并运用相关理论进行评析。


教师运用语言连贯系统地向学生传递知识的方法,属于下面哪一种教学法( )。
依据《中学教师专业标准(试行)》的规定,下列不属于中学教师专业能力基本要求的是( )
阅读某教师的写作教学案例,按要求答题。设立“班级墙壁贴吧”,定期发布大家感兴趣的话题帖,教师和学生都可以发布。话题发布后,教师带领学生开展课堂讨论,鼓励学生各抒己见,在此基础上捕捉学生思维的火花,促进学生深入思考。讨论之后,教师布置课后写作任务,请学生把自己的作文贴在贴吧上,互相阅读、评论。学生发帖讨论持续一周后,教师组织课堂点评与总结,学生进一步修改完善作文。对上述教学案例的相关分析,不正确的是(  )。
