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He felt he was mature enough to think for himself and bitterly ________ being treated like a child.( )

2021-09-01 19:56



An infant can recognize a lot of vowels by the time he or she is a year old.
He screamed when ___ by any obstacle, real or imaginary.

He asked me ___________ Zhang Hua came to school or not. 

One thing he felt regret for was that he never had the________of heating him play the piano.
He must have had an accident, or he _____ then.
He felt he was mature enough to think for himself and bitterly ________ being treated like a child.( )
No one knows a child’s( )towards fatness is inherited or due to the food he eats. 选项
Why did he want to find a shop open selling the Sunday papers or a milkman doing his rounds?
He was just about to jump up when he felt something ______ near his feet
The question ________ he should confess it or not troubled him greatly ( )
4I dont know____he will join us or not
He must have had an accident,or he()then.
When the Pilot is embarked he or she ().
When the pilot is embarked he or she().
If a student has a problem with classroom work,he or she should______.
If a boy or a girl has grown up in a home with sharing tasks and decisions,he or she will probably______.
If a child is deprived of linguistic environment, he or she is unlikely to learn a language successfully later on.
He had no time and energy to play with his children or shop with his wife, but he __ home a regular salary.
According to the western culture, if one is given a compliment, he or she should say“______”.
I had no ______of who I was or what I was going to be.
