首页/ 题库 / [单选题]It __ that he was wr的答案

In many cases, without delivery confirmation, the sender knows that something was sent, but there is no confirmation ___ whether was received or when it was received.

Sandy could do nothing but _______ to his teacher that he was wrong.
Morning or afternoon. It makes no _______ to me.
Don.t mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may ____ the shocking ending
That probably explains why public opinion is broadly __________ euthanasia (安乐死), or at least certain forms of it.
He must have had an accident, or he _____ then.
They beat it away or pat the fat ____ it becomes firm.( )
__________ is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate coordinator or subordinator: It was raining again, __________is very bad for our crops
I was beginning to realize that it does not _______ much whether a legend is true or not as long as it is beautiful [
When a dog is barking, you assume it is barking for something or at someone that exists hear and now It couldn’t be sorrowful for some lost love or lost bone This indicates the design feature of __________
38It __ that he was wrong
The question ________ he should confess it or not troubled him greatly ( )
1_____education is the instruction that occurs when the instructor and students are separated by distance or time,or both
4I dont know____he will join us or not
It __ that he was wrong
If a boy or a girl has grown up in a home with sharing tasks and decisions,he or she will probably______.
Not until______ the whole thing to him ______that he was wrong.
Either he or I ______to the airport.
In ______, the only element that can be deleted or removed is the one that was inserted most recently.
