设a是数域P中一个固定的数,要使是Pn 的子空间,则必有()。
— Do you prefer a portable or a clumsy 3D printer?
— .
You can _____ some bottles of wine, or some chocolates, or a bunch of flowers.
A campus emergency ______ occur at any time of the day or night, weekend, or holiday, with little or no warning.
A rectangular area that can contain a document, program, or message.
Graphic representations for a program, type of file, or function .
10.高等教育阶段社会救助的方式不包括( )
申请人提交境外大学或者高等教育机构学位证书或者高等教育文凭,或者非学历教育文凭的,应当同时提交( )对拟任人所获教育文凭的学历学位认证文件。
设a是数域P中一个固定的数,要使是Pn 的子空间,则必有()。