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The name and hailing port of a documented commercial vessel is().

2022-01-03 14:18
A、not required to be marked anywhere on the vessel
B、required to be marked on both bows and on the keel
C、required to be marked on the stern with the name of the vessel marked on both bows
D、required to be marked on the keel,stern,and both bow



The cubic inch(or liter) displacement of a cylinder is determined by the diameter of the piston and the ()
Where must the 0mster or person in charge of a ship record the date of each test of emergency lighting and power systems and the condition and performance of the equipment?()
Where must the master or person in charge of a ship record the date of each test of emergency lighting and power systems and the condition and performance of the equipment().
Which type of cable should be used to make a connection between the Fa0/0 port on a router and the Fa0/0 port switch?()
Which type of cable should be used to make a connection between the Fa0/0 port on a router and the Fa0/0 port switch?
Once the port has been named and accepted by,or on behalf of,the Shipowner,he can not afterwards refuse to go()__ on the ground that it is not safe.
A project life cycle is a collection of generally sequential project()(1) whose name and number are determined by the control needs of the organization or organizations involved in the project. The life cycle provides the basic ()(2) for managing the project, regardless of the specific work involved. 空白(1)处应选择()
The daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low water for a selection of Standard Ports are given in().
The international number,location and/or name,geographical co-ordinates,characteristics and intensity,elevation in metres,range in sea miles and description of structure of a light can be found in().
Should it appear that war or blockade would prevent the vessel from safely reaching the port of destination and / or discharging the goods thereat,the Carrier().
下列有关港口国检查的提法中,()正确。 ①PSC官员是经海事组织正式授权的执行港口国监督检查的官员; ②“检查”是PSC官员观察船舶的维护状况,产生概括性的认识并登轮检查船舶证书和文件; ③“明显理由”是船舶及其设备或其船员实质上不符合有关公约要求的证据; ④“详细检查”是当PSC官员发现有明显理由表明船舶条件、设备或船员实质上与证书不符后进行的全面检查。
Where the Shipowner has accepted the port of discharge named by the Charterer,he must go there although it is not prospectively safe,and claim damages for injury()the ship by reason of the port not being safe.
第一组:When a nominated surveyor or recognized organization determines that the condition of the ship or its equipment does not correspond substantially with the particulars of the Certificate (IOPP) or is such that the ship is not fit to proceed to sea without presenting an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment, such surveyor or organization shall immediately ensure that corrective action is taken and shall in due course notify the Administration. If such corrective action is not taken, the Certificate shall be withdrawn and the Administration shall be notified immediately; and if the ship is in a port of another Party, the appropriate authorities of the port State shall also be notified immediately. When an officer of the Administration, a nominated surveyor or a recognized organization has notified the appropriate authorities of the port State, the Government of the port State concerned shall give such officer, surveyor or organization any necessary assistance to carry out their obligations under this regulation. When applicable, the Government of the port State concerned shall take such steps as will ensure that the ship shall not sail until it can proceed to sea or leave the port for the purpose of proceeding to the nearest appropriate repair yard available without presenting an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment.Whenever an accident occurs to a ship or a defect is discovered which substantially affects the integrity of the ship or the efficiency or completeness of its equipment covered by this Annex the master or owner of the ship shall report at the earliest opportunity to the Administration, the recognized organization or the nominated surveyor responsible for issuing the relevant Certificate, who shall cause investigations to be initiated to determine whether a survey as required by paragraph 1 of this regulation is necessary. If the ship is in a port of another Party, the master or owner shall also report immediately to the appropriate authorities of the port State and the nominated surveyor or recognized organization shall ascertain that such report has been made.When a ship is found not fit to proceed to sea by a nominated surveyor, then corrective action should be taken and be informed immediately. (1)the master (2)the authorities of port State (3)the Administration
The attitudes or emotion of a language user in choosing a word and the influence of these on the listener or reader’s interpretation of the word form ___ of a word.
T.S.Eliot’s most important single poem has been hailed as a landmark and a model of the 20th-century English poetry.
The most important shipping1 is the bill of 2 It is: firstly, a contract between the 3 and the shipping company; secondly, a receipt for the consignment; and thirdly, a document of 4 It not only contains a full 5 of the consignment-numbers and weights and marks of packages, but a lot of other information as well It lists the name of the shipper and the carrying vessel, the ports of 6 and7 The 8, the name of the consignee, and the 9of shipment, which is very important10 a contractual point of view
According to Hedge, a connotative meaning of a word refers to ‘the ___ or emotions of a language user in choosing a word and the influence of these on the listener’s or reader’s ___ of the word’
Where the Shipowner has accepted the port of discharge named by the Charterer,he must go there although it is not prospectively safe,and claim damages for injury()the ship by reason of the port not being safe.
The number or name of a tank barge shall be().
The intake ports of a two-strike/cycle diesel engine are opened and closed by the action of the ()
A document which has a list of names,birthplaces,and residences of persons employed on a merchant vessel bound from a PRC port on a foreign voyage and is required at every port is called the ().
A project life cycle is a collection of generally sequential project ( ) whose name and number are determined by the control needs of the organization or
CFR,全称Cost and Freight(named port of destination)
PSC(Port State Control)检查是()
()means any person by whom or in whose name or on whose behalf a contract of carriage of goods by sea has been concluded with a carrier,or any person by whom or in whose name or on whose behalf the goods are actually delivered to the carrier in relation to the contract of carriage of goods by sea.
The name and hailing port of a documented commercial vessel is().
If the ship is delayed by reason of Charterer’s failure to name a port,()will be liable for the damages.
If the place named for the loading is simply a port or dock,notice of readiness may be given as soon as the ship arrives()although she is not in the particular spot where the loading is to take place.
A project life cycle is a collection of generally sequential project (73) whose name and number are determined by the control needs of the organization or organizations involved in the project. The life cycle provides the basic (74) for managing the project, regardless of the specific work involved.
If there is a strike or lock-out affecting the cargo on or after vessel’s arrival at port of discharge and the same has not been settled within 48 hours,Receivers shall have the option of keeping vessel waiting until such strike or lock-out is at an end against paying half demurrage after expiration of the time prescribed for discharging or ordering the vessel to a substituting port.The “same” refers to().
When latitude and longitude are used,these shall be expressed in()(and decimals of a minute if necessary),north or south of the Equator and east or west of Greenwich.
